Monkyyys market shitposting thread

Currently USD is easier AND has more utility. Normal people don’t care about KYC and being there own bank etc. Crypto is harder to use and offers less utility. Tell me again how I’m going to get grandma to use it? To have ANY chance of it going mainstream we have to make it at least as easy to use as USD. Then we can work on convincing people that the other benefits of crypto outweigh the benefits of fiat.


You don’t have to convince me on that. However I believe this is the other way around. utility is always first for adoption - when people have something to gain, they can do/learn/use anything - even if it means jumping on board of the pinta, nina and santa maria to the end of the world.

Wait, wait. Part of my call was because grin had a rapidly growing exchange with qbtc that was also on beams page but no the data looks bullshit to me

You have exactly 50million volume for an entire month then literally 4 hours ago you jump to 110 mill and looks like its going to be 100 mill?

@coingecko someones fucking with your charts

43 people like this

43 facebook likes but has 100 million daily volume, sure fam

Maybe, and obviously I agree the utility has to improve a lot as well, but the current state of grin isn’t going to get more than .0000001% of people to use it. I don’t care how much utility it has, it has to get much much closer on the usability side to matter. Maybe not all the way there, but it has to get closer.


The experience is completely broken. The approach is the problem. A wallet will not work. It is an unsafe husk with no soul that they want you to become your own bank with. No. That will not do. Interlace. Experience design, Yukai Chow. We need to bring him here. I will contact him. If you want to break ground with us, then get in touch with me. The designers that met in Grin/design will figure this out. We have all the talent we need. You are coming with me.

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i’ve been lurking in grin/design but i don’t have a ton of time right now to really contribute. perhaps at some point I’ll jump in.

but yes, i agree. the receive is a big problem IMO.

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Is your name the same in Gitter? I want to have a line to you in there. I’ll check in periodically to see where you’re at. We have a design huddle on Thursdays at 8am PST. The date might change to accommodate more people. Shoot me a note on Gitter so we can keep chatting.

Drop-ins are most welcome.

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Provided the cheer size of Grin community and contributions, the right tools are on their way so I would not be so worried honestly.

My multi-currency non-custodial mobile wallet which provides seamless integration for any asset/cryptocurrency will also integrate Grin. No doubt, it is much easier to use than Paypal/Stripe and even supports email-like addresses with federation. That’s a little week worth of work to provide seamless bridging for Grin and it is on my todo list.

These are still very early days for Grin and I have been in crypto for long enough to tell that this project is going places - just a little bit of patience.


Provided the cheer size of Grin community

I think the jeer size of grin currency is cause for concern


this thread is like having brunch with 10 people and 30 conversations are happening at the same time.


We do have rapid linear emission at the highest point of uncertainty with worse that fiat inflation for the first ten years. And we have forks coming. Many people will try and take something from Grin. When they do that we will be sandwiched between better options to store your wealth in for mega-moon prize gains. If there are more attractive options to speculate on, say, a Grin fork with an aggressive emission, who is still loyal to us? The contention is with the emission model. That will be corrected by somebody, and they will be taking from Grin. People think Grin is backwards. They don’t understand what this is. It’s a step forward. Other people look at Grin like a side chain for Bitcoin. Like a testnet. A chassis for something else. We could face a liquidity trap down the road. It’s a possibility. I think we need to model for that. That means performing better at acquisition than the more attractive speculative vehicles that do nothing, which we are surrounded by.

I don’t have your attitude, but I share your confidence in Grin.


I know, its great

, , , ,

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I’m MF Grin and I am glad to be here


Fcuk YEAH! What an entrance!

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@monkyyy what’s going on with the price at 7.68? This is ridiculous. Maybe the Innosilicon announcement?

Don’t know, as I’ve said it’s easy to right when it’s hard to profit, the inverse is true and random moves up would be quite possible to profit from.

I’m also completely wired and sleeped deprived in an attempt to shift my sleep cycle. And have been fairly passive in this market not feeling like I have much chance to profit off, the price is just way higher then I think reasonable even at the 4$ it was hovering at.



I’d be more interested in 2025. By 2050 it’ll either be ZERO, or much, MUCH higher. Those numbers are meaningless. There is no chance of it being 7 billion in 2050. The actual market crypto is taking on is measured in the trillions. Like I said, it’ll either be 0, or much higher.

Now, does that mean today’s price has any basis in reality? I have no idea. I expected it to be closer to $1-2, but I’m not that shocked either. There is a decent amount of demand for this new idea, and not very much supply.


grin wallet send -m file -d ~/Desktop/happybirthdaymom 12,391573729863693