Monkyyys market shitposting thread

Everything is tied to bitcoin. Until bitcoin’s woes are resolved, ain’t nothing gonna happen. Grin’s a good coin, when it’s all done, it’ll do fine. Just be glad you can mine/buy so easy now.



Like I said like 2 weeks ago, bitcoin has to touch the 8500 cost point. Then there will be a flash down to 6k, and then everyone’s got to decide whether it all dies or we will finally separate from the infancy of crypto, bitcoin. We have to make this decision, and nothing can happen until then.

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Grin is doing incredibly well in this dip compared to the general crypto market like btc and eth

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Can you say more about this? does it mean that BTC will die and that Grin or another currency will replace BTC?

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he is not God, nobody knows what’s gonna happen. but we can atleast prepare.


It’s the least we can do in these uncertain times

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He may not be God, but he is Sirius fucking Black!


Well looking at the chart today, Bitcoin had a touch & go at $9,500 currently, floating in the mid 10,000’s.

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That’s an interesting dichotomy you’ve got there, it would be a shame if it were…false.


We are nearing the all time low in the currency that matters, and no one is pushing final bottom?


That’s an interesting question you’ve got there, it would be a shame if it…contained a controversial or unjustified assumption.

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on a side note, f$#k yeah bruh

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Anyone buying GRIN all the way down? :innocent:

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I bought a little more. Charlie Lee just mentioned grin++ in a tweet about lightcoin’s mimblewimble endeavor + a Harry Potter meme.

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学英语 that way it can be easier to browse this site

Also google trends shows searches for ‘grin wallet’ over a 12 month period (in the US) to be the highest ever since inception. So that’s neat :slight_smile:


our grin is the first thing to come up on google and google image searches which i found impressive since it’s so common word. so trends in searches for “grin” probably pretty representive of the crypto grin popularity.


Also, according to Google Trends, worldwide interest by region over the past 12 months returns:

  1. Turkmenistan
  2. Mali
  3. Uruguay

A motley assortment of bedfellows.