Monkyyys market shitposting thread

It went up then down, and it nows rank 87.

Larger market movement, btc dom gained 2 points while “others” lost one; some pressure on shitcoins that passed over grin, nothing more.

Of note is that btc dom was 64% last dec 7 2017, making this 65% a 2 year high, so yes there was movement but i don’t think it was overly meaningful.

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What happens ?!

First post of Monky I have actually fully understood, ever !

fully agree with shitcoin pressure, which should play a significant role to grin for the next 12 months

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ew thik ew cn reed mi posst nw?

Back to $3.00 soon :smirk:

nah .0003 has been stable.

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Expect the unexpected :slightly_smiling_face:

Well here’s the thing, it’s a 60 day low in btc yet it’s still above 3$.

Calling 75% btc dom in the next 6 months, a cluster fuck of the shit coin economy and alts being risky.

It’s above $3 now but if BTC comes back down to < $10k it will dip below $3 again

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Where exactly does the money leaving btc go in a world where grin/btc stays at this price?

That would be a general cytpo market crash when it feels bullish, no?

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Uh, maybe the other 1,000 coins that exist! Guess it’s obvious that BTC and grin aren’t the only two coins

Shhh you, If the other “1000” coins matter then you taking the futures market of 58 coins as an insult makes even less sense.

Just answering your question dude, no need to get all defensive and stuff.

$3 / 0.00025 BTC approaching again :heart_eyes:

When will we see Grin at $4?

When the market decides it’s time for grin to be $4


Ok😕just tired of waiting sorry.

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Patience is a virtue :peace_symbol:


Down 40% since last posted.

prepare for a ROLLERCOSTER in 2020