Miner for AMD/NVIDIA 4G 6G 8G 10G GPU from Minerbabe

  1. About the rejected shares: KBMiner send all the solutions without verifying the difficulty,which is needed for many pools and harmless for grinmint.
  2. About GPU with memeory larger than 11GB: There is some optimization may be applied in GPU with very large memory to use all the memory. However as there is nealy the same number of CUDA cores, the optimization may not improve the performance much.

use batch operation for set fan speed for the all the GPU in a rig OR use fan speed for single GPU in the OC pannel.

It is really a problem, we will try to release a mirror with ROCm integreted next week.

Make sure you have get the ip when using DHCP. OR edit /rig_info/ip.txt for static ip configuration and reboot.

Is this virtual rigs or non virtual rigs?

Can I connect Minerbabe to MWGrinPool?

Yes, it should work OK

But how? I configured the wallet (containing only the name of my mwgrinpool account), assigned this wallet to the group and the rig assigned to this group went to Abnormal state very quickly.
Should I (can I?) input the password anywhere?

How about RTX 2080ti 11G with Cuckatoo31? Any test result? Thx.

I can not visit the pool’s site now.

Use password:

In the group configure, use “custom parameter”, add “–pass YOURPASSWORD”

We have no reuslt of RTX 2080ti with Cuckatoo31 yet.

with the latest build i’m getting the error:

“Failed to start Network Time Synchronization” and the OS won’t load.

Any ideas?

Is this virtual rigs or non virtual rigs?

I have several non-virtual rigs in my basement… :sunglasses:

Please add Hawaii cards for grin 31 in the next release.
Overclock not work under 13 GPUs. Please check.

Can we expect an exact timeline for ROCm driver included in the OS @jie. am having some 570 cards but your OS does not let me update/install ROCm :frowning:

afaik, the rocm driver is only usable on average mining rig with AMD Vega (at this moment),
not with Polaris gpus RX[4-5][6-8]0 since rocm requires pcie atomics for polaris


IN TWO WEEKS . We are working On it.

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Enjoy the coming holiday first bro :blush: