Poloniex grin/btc down

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Poloniex was for me the place to buy GRIN. Because the GRIN/BTC market was disabled for over a month i switched to Bittrex in the mid of May. Turned out the Wallet was inactive when i wanted to buy GRIN. Currently it is once again inactive - since last Sunday. When i got interested in GRIN last year i did register at Hotbit to buy GRIN (before switching to Poloniex). I actually never bought GRIN there and never used the Exchange due to reports of bad experiences with Hotbit here. Now i cannot login there and also cannot reset my password because no password-reset-link is being send to my E-Mail-Adress, leaving me to the situation that there is actually no place left for me to buy GRIN anymore, and i certainly will not register to a 4th exchange just for GRIN. Its really a pity.

You can try https://swapspace.co/?from=btc&to=grin&amount=0.1 (no need to register)

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Is Grin delisted from Polo entirely, or just the BTC trading pair?

Is Grin delisted from Polo entirely, or just the BTC trading pair?

It’s only the BTC trading pair, it appears USDT and USDC are both still up:
Poloniex | Cryptocurrency Exchange | Buy & Sell Crypto Currency
Poloniex | Cryptocurrency Exchange | Buy & Sell Crypto Currency

I suggest BitForex to anybody looking for a grin gateway.

This was expected after the long shut down of GRIN/BTC pair. It was the pair with the most volume traded, so I am little confused why they did that. I expect the other Grin pairs to be shutdown sooner than later.

It is a little sad, because Poloniex was hot on GRIN in the beginning . It was one of the few exchanges that donated part of their fees to the Grin development.


They were, but then Justin Sun bought Poloniex.

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A total f**king disaster for Grin. Poloniex had been building a decent reputation as a reliable exchange which is hard in this whole space to put it mildly – so what if Justin Sun bought it - it’s a business and as much as all you idealists complain about people like that, there would be NO crypto exchanges with any volume to speak of, without some investment of hard currency… I don’t see too many people involved in the project saying “yes, can I please be paid in Grin”. Get REAL! There are too many idealists thinking Grin is bigger than everything else but it has done very little to validate that notion so far. … if you can’t trade it against BTC you can forget about Grin…


It is also worrying that Grin is like one of the very few Coins at Bittrex that seem to be inactive (see screenshot), now for almost over 1 1/2 weeks. Bittrex allows EUR on-ramping, so you can directly transfer FIAT from your banking-account to trade it against BTC (and then GRIN).
I don’t know the reasons why known Exchanges seems to drop support for GRIN but this is becoming a growing issue.


Poloniex wallets back up.


its off-topic but it doesn’t need an own thread so i’ll post it here: BitForex E-Mail Ads look like this:

Grin is marketed as part of the “first Row” of Crypto, however im wondering why of all Crypto-Projects they picked Grin in their ads since its price only knows one direction and usability has still its issues. Still its nice to see Grin here.


It’s a recurring theme. My local gateway exchange lists only Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Grin.


Kindly tell exchange name or link

Poloniex wallets back down.

yesterday i installed the App Blockfolio on my Smartphone (Android). Opening up the App you get to a “Main Portfolio” screen. Only 3 Coins have been displayed there: DAI, Bitcoin…and Grin. This is sooo odd. I almost feel tracked by Grin. The worst case scenario is that all services (Bitforex, Bitfolio App) uses some almighty advertisment network that knows my interests and display relevant coins to me. But then again: I dont give a *** about DAI. Strange.


Not only that, in Messari website, if hit search in all, on first positions is Btc, Eth and Grin


Yeah, what @Elephantul said, they pull from messari. Blockfolio is pretty cool, IMO.

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It is pretty impressive there are some major players recognize the importance of Grin.