Monkyyys market shitposting thread


Might of lost all my bitcoin on perpetual but those 16 contracts on grin is still going hard​:rage::triumph:

you are saying “lost all my bitcoin” as if it’s more than 1

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当我们有手机钱包时,我们可以做更多。 如果我们能够实现移动性,那将不再是不方便的。我之前一直在说

Bitcoin, like “Jello,” is its own plural for any amount of the stuff.


i know, but the way he was saying, it like more than a whole bitcoin

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Can we get translations below the foreign languages? Lol :confused:

Very painful to see Grin make new lows vs BTC and USD while Beam is holding way above the lows.


Agreed :disappointed_relieved: … Hard not to think the difference is down to the higher degree of promotion and profile that Beam has - of course, it is a commercial project with significant $ behind it and block rewards etc so the core team has more incentive to be tweeting and posting etc. The finite emission of Beam might also have more appeal for speculators. Grin seems more idealistic in its philosophy and may be a much slower burner. Hopefully the flame won’t extinguish before it gains critical mass however …

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It has less to do with the emission schedule and more to do with the 20% founders’ reward. It is the key to a successful pump and dump, and plenty of people know this and want a piece of it.

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I believe that for the moment Beam is the distraction. Let them take all of our volume/txs, while we focus on making our asset the best for everyone. Let’s all watch Beam, and see what is happening with their mimblewimble project, learn from their mistakes in the next year, & when the Beam hype ends the lessons they learned will merely be implementations on Grin! Pardon my French, Fuck their 20% founder’s reward, we have a dedicated community of peers who, selflessly make donations for the better of this project.


“In the future, Grin’s marketcap will exceed that of Bitcoin.”

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I enjoyed and understood your joke. :slight_smile: lol

I think beam is great for redpilling people on grin. At first people will look at the two projects and go, ‘well fuck that grin thing, I want the one with a hard limit’, but then they’ll notice that grin has value and lots of dev support (maybe even a developer network effect soon) and they’ll kinda scratch their head and wonder.

Then the people who liked beam will think “Well hmmm maybe there’s something to this grin thing i’m not seeing, after all it is pretty cypherpunk…and that logo is really cool…hmmmm,” then they’ll do some homework/thinking, they’ll notice that @ 1 grin/sec it’s still very scarce (and it will take a very long time for grin’s total coins outstanding to get to the total max coins oustanding of beam) then bam, redpilled on eternal PoW, redpilled on grin.


I hope I never select crypto based on how cool the logo is. Haha


i am not surprised. investment wise nowadays beam may be more compelling due to its deflationary policy (max supply). So you will probably be able to sell your bought Beam-Coins to a higher price then you purchased it in a limited time-frame. However the dependence on and connection to the company behind it makes it worthless in the long run. Because of that i do not worry that Beam may outperform GRIN in 2019, 2020 and maybe the next few years. In the long term, Grin should prevail due to its decentralized advantages



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