Monkyyys market shitposting thread

Where can I find info about the progress, Github repo?

BTW, what about this:

Looks like it’s possible to run Rust, which in my mind is a better language for writing smart contracts.

No need for this. In my mind, two systems will co-exist for a while and the fittest will survive.

Post deleted due to repetitive whining on my part

Interesting…tks for sharing. If it’s that difficult to be compliant, then … :roll_eyes:

I’m super interested in your options work and would suggest it deserves its own thread.

There are no laws I know of that prevent you from developing the trading technology. Do you have specific regulatory concerns? At Hedgy we implemented deliverable forward contracts instead because, as you know, deliverable forwards are basically unregulated B2B contracts. Standardized options are a completely different regulatory beast, falling under the CFTC. We did have to argue that settling in BTC counted for “delivery” and not “net settlement,” which is defensible as long as Bitcoin is considered a commodity not a currency.

And… how would options work from a technical perspective, especially cross-chain?

And what about integration with DEX’s?

New thread?


New thread for sure. Good discussion.

Price is moving again. Interestingly, no big gaps, just a gradual but rapid climb over 30 minutes.

Currently $6.86

Edit; and now $6.25. That was fast.

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What I need is f’in time!

I will do a new thread. I will first try to work with libgrin. I have already been very interested in Cosmos. I try to follow the Reuse rule of coding as much as possible. Once we have that, a go node, then any program you can write can be a ‘smart contract’. There’s a guy on Medium with a Black Scholes module written in golang already, for example. Plus you have interoperability with ethereum, bnb, dai, any eth-network coin, etc. I imagine you’d buy the call or put for grin in ethereum or grin.

I’m sure the SEC would try to hold someone accountable, but truly decentralized, who? You can’t try and jail open source code, it’s not a citizen. I wouldn’t even serve it - someone else will or a number of someones. Since crypto like grin and ethereum have no real status in US law, I can do whatever I want. Only if USD or some fiat money was involved could they speak of money laundering. For any legal case, there would have to be damages, profit, and since you wrote a text file, put it on the internet and didn’t make a dime or do anything with it, I can’t be charged with an unregulated trading outfit, never happened, never had clients, traded, or anything. That’s the thing about an automated smart contract - there is no human.

I also feel this would force the US government to take our national security and economic future more seriously, and they would have to finally accept crypto as money, or they will never be able to legally be allowed to regulate all these automated instruments created from legally non-existent commodities.


Typical equilibrium pattern, or how I call it - damped oscillator. If breaks bullish we will probably see prices over 10.

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Waiting for a new thread as well. The idea sounds very intriguing.

Actually, you guys are right. The code for the Black Scholes would be harder to write, but the interoperability would already be there with rust. Rust is probably the choice.

This page essentially means everything you need to make smart contracts is already there in grin.

Rust it appears to be then.


Nice blow off top. To be honest, the short term top looks in. This sharp sell off almost has no buyers stepping in. It looks like people are getting out. I think it bleeds at least another 20-30% from here.

Pray it doesn’t retrace the entire move.

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Why not? I’d love to buy a few more coins at $2 :grin:


And come to think of it $2 ish was only 14 days ago


Everyone was clearly waiting for the bottom. And when it was in, we went up pretty fast.

I still don’t think we will ever fall below $4. I just don’t expect it.


Just saying… Otherwise waiting for the sweet $4-ish spot for buying

I don’t see downward lines here. I see support and resistance and range-bound trading for a while.

Me neither, because it’s a potential bull flag. Hopefully, it will break north. :slightly_smiling_face:

@SiriusB - what about a reply to @Grinspan about progress on this?

Where can I find info about the progress, Github repo?

BTW, what about this:

Looks like it’s possible to run Rust, which in my mind is a better language for writing smart contracts.

I said earlier rust is good, definitely the way to go.

Second, the smart contract thing is a given - already been done. Grin’s already got what you need built in. The options would just be using one of the many rust libraries to calculate. It wouldn’t be anything different than an atomic swap or the numerous links posted above. The other issue is who would have the storehouse or grin and collect the payments for the options? Unless I wanted to do this, and with $200 Grin I don’t think that’s very likely, who would do this? I thought of making payments to and from the Grin foundation, but that would have to approve this, not me.

Basically anyone could write options right now. What would make more sense at this juncture is an organized, documented smart contract library for Grin. People can do whatever they want then.

I propose a Grin Github repo for a smart contract layer for Grin with callable functions. Since Grin has no development funds and people have families to feed, I’ll wait for one of the red-bull fueled whiz kids to take this up and contribute.

I know nothing about options. Don’t even know what an option is? It’s like a choice, right? :wink:

I believe @Grinspan was referring to your earlier post that …

"… I’m working on a smart contract layer for Grin, first with a simple game with a bet on the outcome, then implementing the Black-Scholes equation to do decentralized, autonomous options on Grin. All we need to do for this is finish libgrin. (if we have a golang node, we can import that as a VM into Tendermint - then we have instant intercommunication with the whole ethereum and many other ecosystems, complex smart contracts written in golang to any complexity, etc, etc.

That’s where I’m going: Black-Scholes for Grin so you can auto hedge with puts and calls!

I worried about an unlicensed trading charge, but since I’m putting code up on GitHub,…"

Can you post a GitHub link for where this work-in-progress is at?

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