Grin Roadmap and TO DO list

During the CC meeting of 18th of January we discussed the first version of more interactive “To Do list” for the Grin project. The first draft to this more interactive Do Do list was made by @stakerV and can be found here:

The purpose of this TO DO list is two fold.

  1. We want to take the original TO DO List based on the planning for the Grin project post the Hard Fork 5:
    Planning: Post 5.0.0 wish list · Issue #385 · mimblewimble/grin-pm · GitHub
    And turn this list into something a bit more interactive with link out to specific objectives and allowing community members to upvote/downvote their support for specific objectives.

  2. We want to have something that somewhat resembles a “Grin Roadmap” for the project. This does not mean anything will be written in stone, but it would be very nice for old and new members, to be able to see at a glance the major milestones for each of the previous hard forks, as well as priorities being worked on currently. It is easy to forget what has been accomplished in the short existence of Grin as a project through blood sweat and tears from our developers as well as through intense discussions and deliberations on the forum and KeyBase.
    These milestones and achievements deserve to be celebrated and documented in history. Also, members deserve to be able to easily see an overview of all these events in something that resembles a roadmap.

This is not something that one person easily can do. My questions to you are
1) to spam me here with links to old hard fork objectives, achievements, or similar things that can be used to build the roadmaps and
2) to share your knowledge of Github plugins that might be used to create for a TO DO list on Github that allows up-voting.

An example of good material for such a roadmap is this post:

As can be seen from these links, this is not the first attempt at a Roadmap, lets make this Roadmap into something nice :smiley::


Each objective in the draft has a separate issue. I think a simple way would be to upvate objective’s first issue.

With that way, grincc website can update vote status via querying github repo.

IMHO it is best to keep github/grincc repos as single source of truth. Scattering the information on forum, keybase etc. is making it harder to find by newcomers, because all kinds of discussions are ongoing on those. One topic on forum would be enough for a general-informal exchange of ideas. We can also redirect/instruct members to vote on github.

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I really like the idea of having a separate discussion for each item. Is there any outcome that may come based on voting? What happens when X has the most votes?

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At the very least, it may give clues about what community prioritizes/desires to see in the Grin project and guide new developers for contributing Grin project.

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I agree, the way the issues section allows for comments is a nice feature for creating discussion around; one way to handle this could be to hold the conversation on the issues section as is and then transcribe the conversation back to a front page section. Thinking of the issues section as an incubator for the featured road map seems pretty cool :sunglasses:

What @stakerV said, just an indication of what ‘lives’ or is perceived as important by various community members. This can help in prioritization as well as make the work feel more rewarding since you know it is being appreciated. It is however in no way binding, we are technocratic and not only votes but arguments matter a lot. E.g. even if the majority of people votes to make the Grin logo pink, our common sense will stop us from doing so :crazy_face:


That would be a problem since people would complain it’s not decentralized. I think no cryptocurrency’s development/changes are fully decentralized and they should never be since 99.99% (usually the smaller the community the lower that percent is) of the people who end up using the cryptocurrency don’t have enough knowledge so they shouldn’t influence cryptocurrency’s path forward

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I have a bit more optimistic view on the percentages, maybe 90%, 10% since we indeed have a small community. It took me some time to understand why the OC in the past was called the technocratic council, and that it is actually a good name since this is in reality how things work and should work.