Grin Icon Branding

I have two other designs then, one of which already won a forum poll as the best symbol for the currency. If we are looking for something less smiley then please for god’s sake let us not use the silly japanese brain dead smile.


But keep in mind, changing the logo will not make grin better money, wont get it used more, and wont make you rich. Changing the bitcoin logo surely did not make it more popular or effective. Grin is only for cypherpunk nerds for the time being, and picking a logo that is supposed to cater to non cypderpunk non nerds is a total waste of time. Like redesigning the U$ dollar sign would make it more or less used… there’s zero chance. it is utterly beside the point. But it is fun to bike shed and bullshit, I can’t deny it. But just be certain we are bikeshedding and bullshitting and not making grin more likely to be used in any way shape or form.

no change to bitcoin logo at any point in its history wouldmmake it greater or less great whatsoever. It would still be barely used