Grin Has Failed Bye

It can easily be made 40$ when liquidity is low. However that doesn’t help someone who wants to dump big bags since he would need grin to have big liquidity at that price.

I have an idea how to do it. But I won’t write it here
There will be no problems with selling GRIN. The demand will be enormous

And let’s imagine that in a year there will be some document where it will be indicated that Satoshi Nakamoto himself is behind the creator of GRIN. (This is a hypothetical situation)

Then your “linear fair distribution” will be violated. Do you know why? Because people will already buy not for 4-5 cents, but ten times more expensive.

The hashrate of the network (and therefore the number of grins per unit of time for 1 asic) will change.

Distribution is linear and probably the most fair, no price action can ever change linearity or distribution’s fairness.


Now the difficulty is 253M and the price is $0.04. One GPU 3070 mines 5.3 GRIN per day. And the person got/bought 10,000,000 GRIN.

Let’s say in 3 years the news will come out that GRIN is used on some trading platforms and the price will change to $ 40. Miners will resort to mining a profit coin and the difficulty will become 500G. In this case, one GPU will already produce 0.05 GRIN per day.

And all this with a constant emission of 60 GRIN in 1 minute.
How much time/money will it take you to get 10,000,000 GRIN?

Where is the fair distribution here?


One grin per second, forever.

It doesn’t get more fair than that…


There is your answer @Markozzz no need to retype it myself😁

Why not 1Grin per 1 day? It is the same

Yes you right it is not fair destribution Asic manufacturer owner of goblin always pools always will troll you like goblin with his hashrate over 51%
When Satoshi write white paper he said 1voice =1 processor.

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linear is linear…

No single pool has 51%, mining is properly distributed as you can see in the graph rate distribution:

If you are shorting the market, you can be honest about it😉

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The longer the GRIN is in silence, the more unfair the distribution will be.
And laminar emission won’t change that.

12.8+43.3=56.1 Are you have some mathematical issue problem?
We short in order to make stable coin grin 1cent=1grin

Who is being silent? Everyone here is a fan of grin and probably telling everyone they can about grin. I know I am. Just because people don’t want to listen, doesn’t mean we are being silent

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Great that you invented a new supply model, looking forward to read your whitepaper on “laminar”
emission :upside_down_face:

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You’re delusional dude! 1000x in year is impossible.

Even if this dumbass coin hits 40$ it’s wont maintain​:joy::joy::joy::joy:

Everyone sell grin it’s dropping in price!!!

It has gone from 9cent to 4 cents…

You guys are truly fucking delusional.

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So your advice is to buy when price is high and sell when price is low :upside_down_face:…that would be very foolish indeed and a sure way to lose :joy:
Everyone in the crypto scene knows that you buy when the price is low in the bear-market and you sell or HODL when prices get high in the bull market. But please please go ahead @AESOP and sell your Grin to us for a low price :pray: :grinning:

What’s going on for you? I’m guessing that you are sour because you’ve spent a lot of your money on grin and it’s price is going down?

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@AESOP is repeating the exact same message, just copy pasted, clearly a cheap attempt to manipulate the market :face_exhaling:

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