Funding Campaign - Yeastplume - Oct 2018 to Feb 2019 (Closed)

Edit: Our funding goals have been met, so closing this successfully with large thanks to the community for coming through for us again! Will send a closing mail via the mailing list (as it’s a bit more widely read).

Oct 2018 - Feb 2019 Developer Funding Campaign - Yeastplume

Testnet3 has been a great success so far, and we’re coming to a crucial stage in Grin’s development as a Mainnet becomes more and more viable (still no date, sorry :smiley: ). There’s still a ton of work to do, and as you probably know my part in the ongoing story of Grin has been mostly enabled by the generosity of Grin’s stellar community. I’ve felt truly privileged to able to dedicate myself full-time to Grin, and once again must ask for the community’s help allow me to continue.

We’re currently developing our overall funding strategies for the project as a whole, but for the time being I’m running another personal funding campaign to cover my full-time presence from October 2018 to Feb. 2019. As always, all of the relevant information is on the funding page so I won’t repeat too much information here.

I’ll keep the status info from the funding page up-to-date here to save you clicks. As last time, both BTC and Monero addresses are available (and I’m looking very forward to the day when we have a Grin option as well).

Once again thanks to all donors, large and small, who have contributed to previous campaigns. I hope it’s evident by now that that the impact of your generosity towards Grin’s development has been palpable.

Update: Added ETH donation address by request

Funding status

Status: Closed - ~€48,300 of €45,000 Target (Sept 8th, 2018)

Goal: Crypto equivalent of €45,000


  • 2.812 BTC (~€15,550 as of Sept 8th, 2018)
  • 183.005 ETH (€32,400 as of Sept 8th, 2018)
  • 3.36 XMR (~€350 as of Sept 8th, 2018)
  • ~€48,300 Total

Bitcoin donation address:


Ethereum donation address:


Monero donation address:



I’m confused by the headers here… is this funding for “Oct 2018 to Feb 2019” or “May-Aug 2018” ?

whoops, thanks for noticing… fixed

What is the minimum/maximum to be included as a individual contributor on the friends page? (


I’ve been reluctant to state any particular minimum, but I can assure you there’s absolutely no maximum!

Obviously we kind of do want a limit to avoid having people listed on the page for $1. I think the ones on the page already were around the 100 EUR or so mark (just as an example) but it’s by no means a rule. Just talk to me beforehand if you’re thinking of donating and I can confirm.

Hiya, I made a donation, who do I contact to be listed on the Friends of Grin page? Many thanks.

@max ust PM me directly and let me know which transaction it was.