Request For Funding, @yeastplume
After discussion within the core team and discussing the topic previous governance meeting (Tuesday, Aug 13th,) I’ve decided it would be better at this time to make a request for full-time funding directly from the development fund as opposed to running a separate campaign.
There are several good reasons to run a separate campaign, one of which is to provide an excuse for a bit of a funding drive. But ultimately, I think it would be less confusing to focus all of our continuing fundraising efforts into a single development fund, and demonstrate that all donated funds are being put towards Grin’s continuing development.
So, in keeping with other funding requsts, I’d like to ask for the equivalent of EUR30k to cover my full time work on Grin until the end of this year (covering the period from the last part of Sept through the end of December.
As far as development work planned for that period, it will likely mostly be further development of the wallet tools (you can get a detailed overview of what’s been going on on my progress update thread, as work for the next (tentatively 2.1.0) releases and upcoming 3.0.0 hardfork. Included, of course, is the usual management or core team work that falls my way, as well as any other administrative/promotional/project things that continue to need attention throughout Grin’s early development.
For reference my bio and results from previous campaigns can be found here Provided all goes well, the idea would be to keep funding requests to shorter 3 month intervals while I continue to work full-time on the project, which I think is a good balance between short-term stability and accountability.
Thanks to everyone involved in the Grin community for affording me the opportunity to focus on it over the past year and a half. I hope my contribution has been of commensurate benefit to the project, and I hope to continue contributing for a good while to come.