Withdrawals are back on bittrex so it’s time to finally leave the exchange causing so much FUD in the privacy world
It’s my first time withdrawing and I haven’t managed to make it work yet
On Bittrex I start the withdrawal and download their Transaction File which is in a .slatepack format.
On GRIN ++ I have status “running” and “wallet is reachable”
When I open “receive grins” I try to enter the bittrex slatepack info into the left window
I’ve tried to drag and drop the .slatepack file into the window but no reaction
I’ve tried to open the slatepack file in textedit and copye paste the code "beginslatepack 15 addresses endslatepack) into the left window => I get the error
I’ve tried niffler too but I also get an error when I upload the slatepack file in order to get the slatepack answer.
Does anyone have tips on what I might be doing wrong? Or could something go wrong from bittrex’ side? Did anyone else withdraw from bittrex?
It seems a little weird that they offer files instead of copy and paste messages, but maybe they implemented slatepacks and reused their existing UI flows for that.
Since it is not clear to me based on your post, did you include the period ‘.’ characters when you copied and pasted the message?
Maybe you accidentally copied and pasted linebreaks or invisible characters that Grin++ cannot handle, but I am just wildly guessing. Trying with a better editor such as Notepad++ might be worth to try.
They’re using an invalid sender address, but that’s apparently legal for plaintext slates. Grin++ does not handle that well. I’ll give @davidtavarez the fix and hopefully he can get a new version out soon for you.
Edit: It doesn’t seem like he’s around right now, so I just went ahead and kicked off a build for a new beta release. I’ll post here when it’s ready.
Thank you very much for the help @david ! And thanks in advance to keep me informed @davidtavarez
Would it be useful for me to contact Bittrex explaining the problem?I’d be happy to forward them your explanation of the issue because I’m not technical enough to understand what is going wrong.
No need, since technically they’re the ones following the standard and Grin++ isn’t. Although it would be really wise of them to switch to encrypted slates, they’re within their right to just stick with plaintext.