Archived: Active Exchanges

Hello Grinners,

Hereby the active exchanges. I will keep this list updated during the time.

updated 12-12-2020

║ ── AWESOME (support HF5 + slatepack)──║

║ ──── Decentralized Exchanges DEX─────║

║─────────── Good ──────────────║

║─────────── Moderate ───────────║

║──────── Under Maintenance ────────║

║─────────── BAD ────────────── ║

DragonEX No deposit/No withdraw :rage:

BigOne No deposit/No withdraw :rage: No deposit/No withdraw :rage: (online / but not reachable)

║───────── In remembrance -──────── ║

MXC | Poloniex | BisQ | HomiEx | GrinSWAP Vault 713 | VCC | Bitmesh | Bgogo :skull_and_crossbones:


God bless you, young man.

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binance is not traded Grin and Kucoin is one of the less problematic exchanges with deposit and withdrawals.

There is so few exchange and better not label working exchanges as scam.

The top priority, I think, is that team members should let the above exchanges support slatepacks trading through some means.
Grin should maintain its previous liquidity or avoid reduction after switching to slatepacks.


Whether this is a good idea or not, why don’t the Grin Developer Board and the Big Miner Pool create their own separate Exchange? A source of donated funds can be used for this. Moreover, for trading pairs more on currencies from all countries in the world, for example, such as GRIN / USD, or GRIN / IDR, or GRIN / BTC, GRIN / GBP, GRIN / EURO. So this exchange is like an index trading broker or online forex.



Interesting idear, but not something the developers have the time to work on. In general starting an exchange involves a lot of hassle due to the need to comply with so many regulations. A decentralised exchange or atomic swaps would probably be the best most future proof solution.

I don’t think that us building an exchange is a viable option for many reasons, some of which are:

  1. it’s actually not all that simple to get it correct and maintain it - it’s very easy to create yet another shitty exchange, but that’s probably not what we would want
  2. you need to support other currencies as well and hence have many hot/cold wallets (who handles these?)
  3. who works on this if they suddenly require a KYC on all exchanges?
  4. you need market makers for the liquidity and they won’t be interested in a new exchange, especially when you don’t have N people willing to support in real time
  5. every exchange also needs a basic user support because users will have problems. Who is our support team and how do we pay them?

Exchanges can integrate Slatepacks to support Grin today and I don’t think it is all that hard to do it correctly with Slatepacks

While surfing I came across the Orion protocol which they say on their website offers an integrated dex solution…maybe worth trying…

The problem is that until now the local exchanges here don’t want to list Grin, especially the two biggest exchanges like and I will try to contact them to see if they are interested in listing Grin on their exchange. Indodax has many local pairs such as ZEC / IDR Cek Harga Crypto (IDR) Hari Ini di Market Indodax especially if the Grin ++ Android wallet and the latest Win / Mac versions have been completed.

In what I have expressed, I did not set up an exchange alone, because I also think that this is an unrealistic plan. :innocent:

Yeah sorry my bad, the first part was not answering your reply :smiley:


Probably what is needed to convince any exchange to list Grin, is certainty about a consistent transaction method. Slatepack could be that solution, at least there is certainty about continued support for slatepacks. On the other hand, we all know exchanges would prefer a method that involves 2 step transactions associating funds to an address just like any other coin. So maybe that is just what it will take to get more exchanges to list Grin and get more adoption. Maybe that would be the more realistic approach to convince exchanges, might take another 6-12 months to find an acceptable solution.

Can you recheck Bitforex cause I used it last week to buy and withdraw grin but the withdraw nor the deposit was not available

2 Weeks ago i asked Bitforex a Grin-related question (regarding future support of slatepacks) and did not receive any answer :-/.

did you try again? now the android app is out :slight_smile: Grin++ for Android v0.0.1 - #20 by davidtavarez

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Yeah I did, by twitter and email but no response so far. I will keep trying.

As requested I deposited 10 GRIN on Bitforex. It took about 18hours, but it got confirmed.
I used Grin++ wallet

ANY Exchanges using SLATEPACKS at the moment?

I only used tradeogre with slatepacks. Tho some have already spoken out they will support it.