What is the intended market/use-case of Grin?

Great Sirius the discussion gave lot of knowledge and more reason to love Grin and thanks to community for working…

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Increased scalability directly translates to increased decentralization, and that is the be-all and end-all of cryptocurrencies.

Chain data and decentralization are inversely correlated, which is why the block size (and thus blockchain size) is such a hot topic of debate. Mimblewimble’s massive pruning (cut-through) is a giant reduction of the required chain data.

Regarding Cuckoo, I have no idea how it is better than SHA256 or any other algorithm. No thoughts on that.

Of course, the emission schedule is a major improvement, and an obvious thing to at least consider for anyone who is carefully interested in economics, which makes one wonder why it took so long for it to be implemented.

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@jasonzhouu Hey bud, hope you’re having a good day. I just wanted to add, I don’t think they’d even need to buy all of them. Governments having an overwhelming share would just be the equilibrium state (thinking of thermodynamics here) due to the difference in difficulty between individuals and governments in maintaining their stake in the network.

It’s the same reason I don’t like proof of stake. The game just winds up concentrating coins into the hands of the entities that live the longest.

Cool, thanks! I appreciate it bud! Cheers.

Of course, the emission schedule is a major improvement,

So obvious that it not a major point of debate that has filled the most active thread; that being anti it may as well be antivax or flat earther.

carefully interested in economics … why it took so long for it to be implemented.

Those damn lazy interests in economics, spreading lies inconvenient to the truth.

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Flat earthism is one of my most favorite topics! 2 points for Griffendore.

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Huh, so there is truth? Mind sharing it?

If it’s unclear I was mocking merlin for implying that the coin distribution was great with thought-stopping undertones.

If someone would have said something like

Of course, the vaccines is a major improvement, and an obvious thing to at least consider for anyone who is carefully interested in medicine, which makes one wonder why it took so long for mandatory vaccination to be implemented.

I would be a bit gentler, but I grew up in a religion, I don’t tolerate implied fallicous agruments generally.

Declaring a thought is thought by smart poeple in a complex way, is one of those little things that you pick up from dissecting sophists bullshit.