Wallet downloading problem

I have Grin plus plus V0.7.5 wallet. The problem is under Status 2/4 Downloading State. It keeps downloading at 2/4, it hasn’t moved to 3. It just keeps downloading 2. Does anyone know how to fix this? Please.

Thank you

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?? I don’t and won’t use telegram. Just like I don’t and won’t ever use facebook.

Telegram not equal facebook

I believe @david may be able to help you right on this forum.

Thanks for tagging me. Here’s the fix:

 * Delete %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/NODE/TXHASHSET and %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/NODE/DB/PEERS (%userprofile% just means C:\users\<your_username>)

What will happen to the coin I have in the wallet?

They’ll still be there. They’re encrypted and stored in %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/WALLET, which you won’t be touching. You can also always restore them using your seed words

Thank you David. All fixed.