Grin++ v1.2.6 (Desktop) is out!

Grin++ v1.2.6 is now available, thanks to the users that help us testing before releasing.

This version specially improves the sync mechanism, it should not fall into an eternal “Waiting for peers” state. Also, the resync action was fixed and a button to export your transactions into a .json file.

Known issue: some desktop users reported some rare crashes of the node, please if you’re facing this let us know Telegram: Contact @GrinPP.


Not crashing, the node doesn’t even start after the update.

The upgrade plugin is a bit buggy. Probably we should replace it. I recommend to close Grin++, make sure the node is stopped, download the installer from there website or GitHub.

All good, just had to wait a couple of minutes after closing the wallet. :ok_hand:t3:

Well done guys, you make our life better. Thanks to everyone working on Grin

I have trouble using Telegram. I installed 1.2.6 (previous version 1.2.5) and the GrinNode process crashes after a while. How can I fix this? Thanks!

I do believe @davidtavarez is working on the known issue. You can restart the node, but if it becomes too problematic, you can downgrade to 1.2.5 for now

Thanks! I change back to 1.2.5 and it is working properly.

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Yes, I’m working on it. I was off-line for few weeks.

I apologize for the issues.