Grin++ v0.7.4 Downloading State Loop

Hi @david,

Today I went into settings and clicked “Resync Blockchain” since it seemed like I was stuck.

Since then, it has got to “Status 2/4 Downloading State” gone all the way to 100% then resets to 0% and starts again up to 100% and keeps looping. It never gets past this step and has been doing this for the past 9 hours.

Looks like I broke it. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Is there a simple fix for this?

I have rebooted the machine 3 times to no avail.

I believe this is the solution:
Delete %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/NODE and let it fully sync BEFORE logging in.

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OK, giving that a try right now

Probably just deleting %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/NODE/TXHASHSET and %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/NODE/DB/PEERS would’ve been enough, and would avoid resyncing headers. But Neo’s solution should hopefully work.

There is an underlying issue though that was introduced in a recent release. I’m yet to track down the exact cause, but it appears if you start syncing from a peer and they disconnect, your txhashset (the ‘state’ referred to in step 2) gets locked, causing later attempts to fail as well. I’m investigating the issue and will create a new release once I find the cause.

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Thanks @Neo-Geo, that worked for me.

@david, I wonder if the fact that I was logged in to the wallet when I resynched the blockchain had something to do with it?

I think I found the issue, and am building a new release now. Thanks for reporting the problem.

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This is fixed in v0.7.5

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