That's cool cloud wallet . easygrin

Easy Wallet is an always-online small transfer wallet that can collect coins from all mining pools and withdraw cash to all exchanges and local wallets。

Tor automatic transfer can be accepted at any time, no need to open VPN. Convenient to connect with the automatic payment function of the mine pool

There is an exclusive receipt address, no longer need to use the error-prone memo to distinguish accounts. Able to receive automatic payments from mines such as 2MINERS where the MEMO cannot be set.

The mnemonic is the real wallet key in the digital currency world. Even if the site is down, you can still recover your wallet using your own mnemonic on other local wallet apps.

The wallet is still being tested, so I thought it would work so well that I could share it with you.

Note: the author specifically states that this wallet is suitable for small transfers. :smiley:

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something wrong

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Works now. I did not create an account yet, but the pages loads.