Recompensate Tradeogre

This is a strong argument against compensating TradeOgre with the donation funds: The donations are designated for Grin Development, not for compensating an exchange, no matter how important the exchange may be for the coin after all.

Also, it should probably still fall under a typical risk of an exchange that there is a need to roll back a supported blockchain to mitigate proven exploits. In fact, every entity involved in PoW-Blockchains (Users, Exchanges etc.) carries a certain risk of becoming a victim of a 51%-Attacks and lose a substantial amount of money.

For that matter there is certainly no obligation for anybody to compensate someone.

But still, i am wondering were Grin would be today without TO and even if Grin would be at all. The Exchange-List here speaks for itsself: Archived: Active Exchanges
The list of Exchanges that bailed out on Grin is painful to watch, there are only two “awesome” Exchanges left of which one of them as of now enforces a 10 Grin Withdrawal Fee (!) and left the community for months in the dark regarding if slatepacks would be supported at all. Great.

Also considering that the regulation-screws will get tighter on privacy coins it is not an unlikely outcome that Grin as a privacy coin might get delistet from all other exchanges that have to oblige to anti-money-laundering laws. Of course Its not set in stone and just a propability. But still you have to consider DEX being the only places in the future were Grin could be traded.

Bisq as a DEX did already delist Grin once due to the high number of tickets. Some Community Member got in touch with them months ago regarding a re-listing and nothing has happened in months.

So again: TO proved as a solid pillar for the project with great support (first in class exchange with slatepack-support), most importantly also: It provided support in times where the general outlook really began to look bleak (delistings, price-plummeting, fading miners, fading users).

If TO has suffered any damage from its enduring support to Grin, it should be compensated in some way, otherwise it may proof as a mistake for TO to support Grin in the past and the future.

So please lets make some initiative happen to show some support. When we’re done with TO, we can move on giving support to the Queen of England, Animal Shelters and maybe your local chess club.