Kucoin account hacked

I get worried about leaving as much as $100 on these types of exchanges. I like to buy/sell then get the hell out. Does sound like they were hacked at best. Worst they simply stole it.

What makes you think it’s spam?

there was a user above me who spammed a link and made it look like its not spam. Got deleted by now

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Same hack has happened to me today, my coins were sold to buy BTC before it was widthdrawn to the following account: 5b77594b83ac89591ab08b057e9a28860ebde4813575ea0c4183bd04abd7146c

KuCoin so far has just blamed the shfit on to me. after reading this thread i will take this to all social platforms to make awareness of Kucoins security.

It’s just shock. I don’t want any of us to be in this situation. I understand your pain and thank you for suggesting … I will definitely warn my friends