Grin-Node Challenge 2020 - Win over +800 GRIN Coins and free GRIN Merchandise

Why Grin-Node Challenge 2020?

To stabilize the GRIN-Network, we need to ensure we have enough running Grin-Nodes on the Mainnet-Network. We are believing in GRIN and the future of GRIN, therefore we setting up this challenge.

Who can participate?

Everyone with a non-commercial Grin-Node.
All commercial nodes are allowed to connect as well but they wont win any prices.

How can you participate?

It is simple, just run a Grin-Node over the measured time period from 22.03.2020 12:00:00 noon (UTC+0) to 22.04.2020 12:00:00 noon (UTC+0) and connect your Grin-Node to

What can I win?

Full list here

Where can I find the Node-Challenge leader board?

When does it start?

22.03.2020 12:00:00 noon (UTC+0).
All previous statistics will be set to zero.

When does it end?

22.04.2020 12:00:00 noon (UTC+0)

Where can I find more details?

Issues / Problems?

Please contact us.

Or on GRIN-Discord Grin Community Channel: #node-challenge

Thank’s to: :slight_smile: :+1:

(1) @WarmBeer for the new Website
(2 ) Ro (Tian Qi) who are sponsoring T-Shirts in corporation with is NOT optimized for mobile devices, if someone can help, contact me.


Could you please disambiguate that time?
Is that noon, or midnight (and if so, which) ?

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Very cool!

To stabilize the GRIN-Network, we need to ensure we have enough running Grin-Nodes on the Mainnet-Network.

While it’s important for everyone receiving Grin to run a full node, running a full node just for the sake of it only adds value if the nodes are accepting incoming connections. To ensure this happens, everyone should setup port forwarding on port 3414, and confirm that grin-server.toml is configured to accept incoming connections.

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thank you, I did update it 22.03.2020 12:00:00 noon (UTC+0).

Very cool Mike! Thanks for setting all of this up

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For those feeling a bit lost, you just need to add this IP to your config file in order to connect to the challenge node and be counted:

peers_preferred = [""]


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Actually, my node isn’t being counted, and that IP doesn’t appear under “Peers and Sync” in the menu.

Here’s my .toml:

peers_preferred = [""]

#maximum number of inbound peer connections
peer_max_inbound_count = 30

#maximum number of outbound peer connections
peer_max_outbound_count = 10

#preferred minimum number of outbound peers
peer_min_preferred_outbound_count = 10

#temporarily allowed to exceed peer_max_inbound_count
peer_listener_buffer_count = 5

I can ping that IP and can telnet into 3414 from my node. When I switch to “List” seeding, and explicitly set that IP, I have 0 connections at first, and then eventually pick up a connection which doesn’t match that IP. Otherwise, I quickly get 10 outbound connections that don’t match that IP.

What could be the problem?

You are doing everything correct.
If you connect to the high-available IP address using

peers_preferred = [""]

your node gets redirected to one of our GRIN-Nodes.
As long as you see connections to any Grin-node with sub domain :


you are fine and your node is being added to the challenge.

Updated FAQ section:


I asume winners are selected at random or based on random chance corrected for the up time, right. Otherwise joining the list or setting up a new node right now would automatically not win… and I want T-Shirt :cry:

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You are correct, joining now will not bring you in Top20.

But, let’s do the following and adjust the current rules a bit:

If more than 20 Users reply here telling us, we have successfully setup a Grin-Node and connected to, we will add 10 more T-Shirts :tshirt: to the winning pool.

  • Winners will be randomly chosen from all connected nodes during the 4 week Challenge
  • Top20 Nodes can not win any additional T-Shirts
  • only non-commercial Grin-Nodes can win any prices.

What do you think about this?
:+1: :-1: Leave a :heart: and share this Post


I have successfully setup a grin node and connected to


I have successfully setup a grin node and connected to, and it was fun!


I will add two more nodes this afternoon, one existing and one new one.

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I have successfully setup a grin node and connected to :sunglasses:

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I have successfully setup a grin node and connected to

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I have successfully setup a grin node and connected to :wink:

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@david, I do not see a grin-server.toml file as part of Grin++. What config file does Grin++ use where I can specify the peers_preferred? Thx.

I just realized I cannot setup additional nodes due to the need for port forwarding for port 3414 :sweat_smile:. Since I forward the ports used by Grin to one computer cannot redirect to another, right? I was even thinking of going for three nodes by adding a node running on a Raspberry Pi. Any thoughts on how to circumvent this limitation?

Don’t stop using Grin++ to participate :slight_smile:

But, if you are on Windows I can recomend you setting up a Grin-Node under Windows following my How-To: to run a Grin-Node and connect to us. (not 100% ready but it will guide you through the steps)

You can also share this link and I am writing on an official Windows Grin-Node article here on the main repository: (also in draft state)

As always have fun :smiley: