Grin Hub - memes, marketing, wallpapers, art

I extended the Grin Community Council github page with a ‘Hub’ to gather and keep a record of Grin memes, art, marketing material, wallpapers etc :scroll:. There is a lot of fun material out there as you can see on github.

I added those memes that were posted on the forum as well as the wallpapers I could find. I did however not keep a record of memes posted on Telegram nor do I have perfect recollection of all the material posted over the years on the forum, Telegram, or elsewhere.
And that is where you come in! You can help by contributing material or making suggestions on how to organize Grin Hub.

Especially the folders marketing material and art need some populating.
For example, I remember there was work on some Grin slides for presentation purposes, does anyone have copy of the final slides?

If you have memes, art or marketing material that should be added, please share it with us all via the Hub. You can post here, DM me or clone the repository and make a pull request on github. Whatever works best for you.
Lets build our Grin archive :scroll: :owl: :grin:


For example, I remember there was work on some Grin slides for presentation purposes, does anyone have copy of the final slides?

I asked in Telegram: Contact @grin_presentation to respond to this.

Additionally we could add this article to “marketing” ?

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Thx, I added it to both the documentation as well as the new in the marketing directory

Added some more material to marketing as well as two more new awesome wallpapers by @nirg to:

Enjoy :grin:

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AI assisted for profile pic: The Grin Watcher:


Good to know we have 3rd Peverell brother in band :sunglasses:

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