Grin++ for Android v0.0.1

Release: Android 0.0.1

This release is the first release of Grin++ for Android. Grin++ is an easy to use Grin Wallet, which does not store any personal identifiable information, there is no analytics; the little information that is stored like the session token is stored encrypted. Also, the node information like the wallets cannot be copied.


  • Create multiple grin wallets.
  • Backup/Restore wallets via seed phrase.
  • Send and Receive $grin via Tor and Slatepack Messages.
  • Address availability checker.
  • Transactions history.
  • See the details of each transaction.
  • Control Grin node using notification bar.
  • Share the grin wallet address.

Minimum Requirements

  • Minimum Android version required: Android 9.0 (API Level 28) .
  • Architecture supported: 64bit .
  • ARM: AArch64 or ARM64 .
  • Minimum RAM: 4GB .
  • Minimum Disk Space: 2GB.

Direct Link:
Google Play:

Please, make sure that your device meets the minimum requirements.


Since neither analytics or crash reports were added, the best way to ask for support is using the Grin++ Support Channel:


If you want to see Grin++ translated into another language, please, feel free to contribute.


Minimum RAM: 4GB ?

I’m drooling here. Seriously, fantastic job david. I don’t see how this could have turned out to be any better than it currently is.


It’s a full node. It won’t use that much ram all the time, but during IBD it could use quite a bit for brief periods.

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Congrats! This is a major step forward! Thank you for listening and adding the feature control of the grin node by placing it in a convenient format and with quick access. I appreciate it.


good job David :money_mouth_face:

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Running a Grin mobile node. Thanks!


Yeah baby lets go! Great work. Now where is that mass adoption :eyes:

Great work David. Thank U :grin::+1::muscle::pray:

89 minutes for fully sync
from south borneo


Great work David. Thank U
Long live grin :grinning:

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Just download and have a look. The interface of GRIN + + is so cool that it’s even more cool than you think

89 minutes?! mmmm… are you using a VPN? could you share the devices specifications? Android version? I see only 6 connected peers, it is always like that? 6 to 8 peers?


Here u are:

Running without using VPN
Now 8 peers. So Yes so far 6 to 8 peers.

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89 minutes seems reasonable tbh. It’s largely dependent on peers and connection speed, and there’s of course a ton of processing required when validating the state. I have fast internet and a relatively powerful device and it still took me quite a while.


This is some impressive work @davidtavarez !! Congratulations! Having a full node running on a mobile device is amazing.


Why is the connection failure displayed when creating a wallet

means that the node, which is running in background, stopped and the app is not able to communicate with the node; I recommend this:

Close the app like this: How to close apps on Android: All you need to know

Stop the Service following the next steps:

Swipe from up to bottom your notification bar to display these actions:

Now, tap on STOP:

Make sure that Grin++ can be run in Background avoiding Android to kill the Node because this can cause the chain to get corrupted:

The process of doing this will vary depending on the device.

Open the Grin++ again and try yo create a wallet again.


Thank you for your reply

Consider submitting it to f-droid or making an f-droid repo for it. Since it is a FOSS project it would make sense and be more broadly available to people who insist on FOSS software.


Google finally approved Grin++ :grin: :+1: