This will be a nice place to share the publish link to the community newsletters. (Bi-weekly release with target early weekday (monday,tuesday) Here is Newsletter 141:Community Events and Updates Newsletter Resumes.
Next up. Issue #142.
And now. #143
and here is #144
Two nitpicks:
MimbleWimble → Mimblewimble
Ah Hello!
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to comb through this latest issue of the grinnews newsletter and even expanding on some improvements that might be made for a better subscriber experience.
Now I realize that I’ve might have gone a bit over board with the artistic interpretation by using a constant usage of ‘GRiN’ throughout. In my defense I was inspired by the beautifully displayed original:
Only quip I have over here would be going with either:
GRiN → GRIN or GRiN → Grin
I am personally leaning towards the latter as it would give a more clean look overall as moving to GRIN may be interpreted as maybe shouting…
Thanks again! and stay tuned for more grinnews newsletters
It’s time for newsletter #146
The time for the Grinnews Newsletter is here
Newsletter issue 148
A new newsletter issue 149
An update from the press- Grin Newsletter 150
Always exciting developments as seen in Grin News Issue 151
Hot off the press is Grin News Issue 152
Your Grin News weekend update- issue 153
Grin News Super Fresh Spring Update Edition #154
edit title to #154
Good. Nice to see POWPOWER is in list.