Bminer 15.7.6 Fix Cuckaroo29d on RTX-series cards

Can you rephrase that?

14.3.1 is slower in C29 for me than 14.2 on my 2080 FYI. Performance went from 8.8gps to 8.0gps.

Haven’t tried C29 or C31 on my 2080TI yet.

I mining 5x1080ti grin31 cuda 9.2 and crashed miner: insufficient memory

What’s the operation system please? such as win 10 or win 7.

What’s the operation system please? such as win 10 or win 7.

i use windows 10 system

hi advika

increase the virtual memory from your windows 10 to 12000MB / 12G

after set the settings, reboot the system and try again.

BR flypreto

You can’t mining C31 with windows 10

thanks. Now I mining c31 gminer on windows 10. 1080 ti 0.64 gps 160w.
I wanted to try bminer

seems still some potentials for improve 2080Ti card and all Turing architecture.


Same, no change using bminer. Building rust and the node on linux is a FU*ING pain in the ass. Seriously, can someone just distribute working iso or something. All this dependency fixing magic makes me hate GRIN an all projects that use linux as their build environment.

We will fix it in a future release.

because this one is BMINER not GMINER.

I just tried bminer 14.3.1 and I’m constantly getting the following info and warning messages in the logs:

[INFO] [2019-02-16T18:49:19+01:00] Connected to
[WARN] [2019-02-16T18:49:20+01:00] Get error: End of file, resetting in 5 seconds

It happens ever 5 seconds. I mine fine with this pool using grin-miner. What might cause that?

On other mining forums they write that bminer is scam and is showing wrong gps.

You probably need to change your login details to use escapes.

Bminer 15.0.0
Windows 7 x64
5x1080 8gb

I have problem with memory, on c29 working fine, c31 problem with insufficient memory? I have increased virtual memory, but still nothing.

Crashes for me due to bcrypt.dll. All other versions have worked fine. Mining C29 on a 2080 on Win10.

I get insufficient memory error with rtx2070 8gb cards on c31 on ubuntu. nvidia-smi shows them having 7952MiB of memory total (0mb is consumed when nothing is running), compared to the 8119MiB of memory total for the 1070ti’s working fine. Is there any modification I can make to get c31 working with a few mb less on the rtx2070? Or are not all 8gb cards supported now? Thanks.

15.0.0 works on 6x1070s under Win7 (after OS restart, of course - for some reason BMiner can’t shut down properly both under Linux or Windows and you need to restart OS if something goes wrong). But C29 is still more profitable for these cards…