Bminer 15.7.6 Fix Cuckaroo29d on RTX-series cards

What is your daily reward with those 2080TI´s ? 1,5 Grin? thanks

About 2.5 Grin per day. MWGrinpool.

I also saw a big slowdown on my 1060 rig and rolled it back. On my 1080 rig I went from 5 to 5.2 so that stayed on the new release.


I’m getting this error on Win7 - with the newest version 15.1 and also 15.0.2
Weirdly version 15.0.0 still works fine.
3x 8GB nvidia cards setup. Cuda driver and Video Drivers all up to date.

Any thoughts on how I can use the newest versions?

Sorry for my big numbers. ))

You are the best!
I admire your name & style too!

Linux only. - best Installation Guide.
4.28 G/s on my Vega 64.

Will this work for Vii?

Rocm Doc’s say yes. Did you read it?

Not had a chance yet with work, ty for confirming

We’re pleased to release Bminer 15.2.0. The release provides:

  • Improve performance and stability of Cuckatoo31.
  • Slightly improved performance of Ccukaroo29
  • Reduced the chance of reject and stale shares of CC29/CC31
  • Support RTX 2080/2070 for Cuckatoo31. RTX 2080 expected speed 1.45G/s

Please see for more details.

Happy mining.

2.14 G/s instead of 2.0 on 2080Ti.

Hi Rab, please how did you setup the Bminer bat file for Cuckatoo31?
Just want to switch from Grin-Pool to MwGrinpool, but there is only setup for scheme=Cuckaroo29
My editing in bat file didn´t run the Bminer properly.

Here is the string from my /etc/rc.local file (yes, I’m under Linux):
screen -dm -S bminer /home/rabinovitch/bminer-v15.2.0-c1d0f59/bminer -uri cuckatoo31+ssl://

For Windows you should have something like this:

@echo OFF
REM Change the following address to your GRIN addr.
SET ADDRESS=Rabinovitch
SET SCHEME=cuckatoo31+ssl
SET PWD=keekkopodo6

REM If you're passing in emails, the '@' characters need to be escaped (%%40)
REM If the pool use / to annoate rigs, the '/' charaactrs need to be escape (%%2F)
START "Bminer: When Crypto-mining Made Fast" bminer.exe -uri %SCHEME%://%USERNAME%:%PWD%@%POOL% -api

Thank you !
Hope it will work under Windows.
//edit… works perfectly!

I am so glad I switched to MwGrinpool. There are no reward delays and I think they are much better at C31. Thanks again for your advice, you know it best!

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It reduces rates for GTX 1070 Ti Cuckatoo29 ;(
Could you give your expected numbers and overclocking settings ?

Hi, please see Bminer performance number here

The numbers are measured with the out-of-stock settings of GPUs.

I’ve been unable to run bminer on any of my Windows 10 rigs since the 15.x series came out. I’ve tried each one, but this is what I get at startup:

[INFO] [2019-03-11T22:31:38-06:00] Bminer: When Crypto-mining Made Fast (v15.3.0-7fa379d)
[INFO] [2019-03-11T22:31:38-06:00] Auto detecting devices
[INFO] [2019-03-11T22:31:38-06:00] Failed to initialize CUDA. Try to initialize AMD platform
[FATA] [2019-03-11T22:31:38-06:00] Failed to initialize the AMDCL platform: Unknown (3): Failed to load library atiadlxx.dll
[WARN] [2019-03-11T22:31:38-06:00] Miner died! It will be restarted soon…

I’ve tried installing different versions of the nvidia drivers and did a clean install of the full CUDA 10.1 distribution to no avail. 15.x works fine for me on Linux.

Hi, theregoesplanb, thanks for the detailed feedback, it’s pretty helpful.
We have received several users have similar error, we are working on fix this problem. it will be fixed soon.