BEAM price higher than GRIN today

Now I understant why lot of exchange which are inter connected with binance play game to pump a coin and price increase of coins due exchange don’t stay for long. An example this exchange has Beam pair doing transaction through binance. I was shocked to see transaction history then found its under binance and both exchange showing same transaction history.

The problem with grin is that it is difficult to support it on exchanges, you do not provide the api in the source code.
That’s why exchanges don’t like grin.

The second problem is that there is no beautiful official grin wallet, the console is not convenient to use.

As it happens, people download a non-official grin wallet and then complain to the exchange. The exchange can not understand what they want from it, and why the coins do not reach.
While both sides do not understand what wallets are used.

That’s why I wrote that developers need to check these unofficial wallets, because they are bug. Or to refuse and require to download a console the wallets.

and the larger the community, the more problems there will be, the exchanges know this and do not want to participate in it.

At first, I also did not understand why poloniex complains about grin, I thought either their programmers are stupid or they are lazy.
But poloniex clearly said that every time they rewrite the wallet code, which seemed very strange to me.
Moreover, I do not know what they are rewriting there.

Each of your updates forces you to update the code on the exchange, and yet you do not support soft fork, and using hard fork is very bad.
Old versions of wallets stop working, and new ones need to be rewritten again.

In principle, this is all.


Every user who has problems with depositing,withdrawing.1 time ok and 2nd time…you lost that indvidiual.and this is not good for reputation of Grin and it is philosophy.


Most issues are related to tor, or are problems on the exchange side, which use the official wallet. An official GUI wouldn’t change anything. I really don’t understand why people think that would solve anything.

The difficulty with grin is due to interactivity requirements, not due to any specific GUI or lack thereof. Interactive transactions in their current form are fragile and complicated to support.


Actually I agree with you there, what I mean is that having purely donation based development itself is not much of an issue and that Grin will have its market share once it has a good use-case. That share might indeed be small if it is unfavorable to hold for a longer time

Also here, I kind of agree with you although I think the point where inflation stops being an issue might be reached sooner than you think. I mean look at other coins like Bitcoin that still gained much traction while still being highly inflationary although of course they have the pull of future richess. So In my opinion a inflation rate of, let’s say 20% , is already fine for investors. Such an inflation rate is reached already in 5 years. So although I understand on the short term Grin is not that attractive for investment or holding for that matter, this is only a major hurdle in the first couple of years (not decades). But that is just my feeling/opinion, I completely understand and respect that if you are in mining or need to earn more quickly, the current supply model for Grin is not what you want. A Monero style emission rate would probably be more acceptable to you.

We have genuine Grin++ wallet and so simple, easy to use, yes few issue arrives sometime but it is improving everyday and David has always helped each and every issues arrived. And regarding exchange issue I am not sure but I wonder why there is always issue with Poloniex why other exchange dont face this much problem,

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I agree, I do not experience much usability issues with Grin as of late. I just wished Grin++ would come as a mobile version with a QR code reader with the offline GrinBox addresses and then I think no one can complain about usability anymore. O and of course atomic swap would greatly add to the usability.


Yes mobile version, QR code and swap would be great hope we will see soon all this features :+1:

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Beam has SBBS and people still complain about usability because people dont expect that they need to have their wallets online in X amount of time to confirm the tx. It is more complicated than you are suggesting. This is one reason I really like the idea of non-interactive (i.e. one-sided) transactions.

Not sure if this is technically possible with Grin, would be nice if it is. The only solution I can think of is something like sharing a users private key to a receive only wallet, which can only transfer to your main wallet, with other nodes on the network that can sign your transaction for a small fee. This receive only note should hold some minimal fee to avoid spamming the network. A, here we discussed it, think you sugested some of it such as the minimal holding value

It is easier to make a beautiful wallet with a waiting timer for getting coins.
while the timer is running the user should not close the wallet


Is that so hard to understand?

I think an official wallet would definitely help, providing it is super well done. For now there are grin++, which i personnally appreciate particularly for how nice it is, and niffler, but they cannot replace an official wallet. an official gui wallet allows less confusion and more trust from users, especially the less tech-savvy of them, so it is important because most users are not expected to be technical if you want adoption


Confusion about how to use it? Or just which wallet to download?

Which wallet to download

Ah, yea. But we can fix that by improving the download page. Also, just Google grin wallet and I think you’ll be surprised by the results.

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I think the most critical fail of Grin is that there is NO OFFICIAL WALLET that is easy and reliable to use. For Niffler and Grin++, the user experience is even less friendly than the Bitcoin wallet back to 2010! So sad!


Grin never failed and will never fail, race of tortoise and rabbit is still on…

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If you are so certain that GRIN will keep falling, then why don’t you open a short position on GRIN versus USD or BTC?

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