Beam is more successful than Grin?

The Grin community is the best in the entire crypto space. It practically doesn’t talk about money. The community talks about ideas. And what is most interesting, you will not find so much art anywhere else. This speaks of interest. Look how much has already been done and how much will be done … You are very disrespectful. You take everything for granted and demand more.

Grin is currently at the earliest stage of adoption in the entire history of the universe. You must remember this and take into account the inflation schedule.


What’s your unbiased criteria to identify them as junk? You think privacy is gold but most of crypto-gamers simply do not buy it. In fact, no matter how good you think your project is, if there is no common interest to most people, it is junk.


The actual value of Grin will appear when making transactions on goods, for example, you sell a piece of cheese bread and I pay for it with 3 Grin. People could have offered more.

In the past, people calculated it based on the range of grams of gold or silver converted to the price of a sack of rice or wheat. Now, if you want to be fair, what is the actual price in fiat that is spent to produce 1 Grin.

I think my understanding could be wrong, but look back here:


You are not objective. That is dangerous. It is hard to judge a crypto-project. Similar things happens to academic research. It is also very hard to judge a research paper. But one simple measure of a crypto-coin is price just as the number of citations it received of a research paper.


It’s not about privacy; many privacy projects are junk as well.

A junk project is exactly as i described - nothing more than a cash grab out of retail, disguised as a disruptive “cryptocurrency” or “decentralized platform”. If you can’t see how that describes almost every project around us, then I can’t help you - look deeper.


One thing that is certain is the source code. There are many other things, according to the taste of each observer.

yeah keep repeating words ‘‘emission schedule,inflation excuses’’ Obviously you dont understand how money works,or finance. Talking about inflation of a 24 million coin in a 1 trillion market!
Grin communinty is best in the universe ,you sound like a 14 year old child really.

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Of course I don’t understand. And how dare I say something to you. The king of finance. Please, someone, buy from this guy all the coins, one thousand dollars each. Then he will be calm. I am out from this conversation. Mom made me some warm milk… Mmm. Yummy.

And I think I recently saw your friend here… Oh yeah… Here it is: GrinDarkNetBank. Enjoy.

By your reasoning, Grin is more successful than Ripple (0.28).


lol 14 years old i say,you talk about mliking babies. u are really bad about finance.Your comments have no criticims or suggestions. Just an ostrich.

Please dump this coin to 0.10, that insider greedy guy didnt accumulate enough!

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Some are here for profit and some for love and faith.


Whoever is disappointed by grin’s price knows nothing about the inflation. Currently inflation is just too high for anyone to invest in it and hold without a significant risk of losing a lot of the value. Instead of complaining about the price try to figure out how to improve privacy, 2-step etc


lol you know about inflation? Another inflation parrot. Go and learn about monetary policy.10 times.

Privacy and censorship s enhanced with big adoption and going global. Thats how you cant trace everythng,coinjoin ,mixing work in the core level.

Learn the fundamentals first.

Inflation is not higher than most non-premined coins in their initial years.

Rather, Grin’s emission is way SLOWER than others. Grin has only emitted about 2% of its soft total supply [1], whereas those others would have emitted over 20% after 2 years.



You who are here because of the price, it is normal that stagnation does not suit you, and that you would earn more on other coins. GRIN was not created for profit, but for use.
( used Google translate)

PSA: Don’t read this thread if you value your sanity.


For usage, muhhhhh. Show me at least one case that Grin is better than other coins for usage. What I see is: 1. very few exchanges fully support it, and 2. till now, there is no particular easy way to transact Grin. It is even not close for usage by regular user. Dream is one thing, but reality is another.


That’s what i meant, not the current inflation but how inflation changes over time

Some privacy solutions provide privacy improvement relative to the number of users but not all. But that doesn’t mean that if you don’t have many users then the privacy solution is useless

So who is not here for price AND use? it s a crypto CURRENCY.

Stop blaming people who buys early or lately and holds. And if for use,how did you use it?

İf you are holding it,why you flame others ?

İf you repel people with like that,who will become buyer when miners sell?