Archived: Active Exchanges

Welcome @accryptopeneur has KYC while Tradeogre and BitForex do not (BF requires only when trading pretty high amounts).

It’s tough to recommend exchanges right now as we just had a hard fork yesterday which drastically changes the way exchanges need to operate around grin. I do know that Tradeogre works well and is great for small amounts (due to low volume), but for other exchanges I’d wait for some feedback from other people.

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Tradeogre great exchange without KYC. Fast and simple. But as Paouky said, this exchange has low volume.

Thank you @Paouky & @insider for your responses. I will have to wait some time to gather a good set-up for GRIN (still researching what GPUs would be the most profitable) so I will keep my eye out for everyone’s feedback over the next few days in regards to how the exchanges react to the hard fork.

lol Bittrex can’t even delist a coin on time. That exchange is pathetic.

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