Update Monday, December 23rd 2019,
I have to say it’s been a challenging year, which is probably not to be unexpected given we launched a fairly high-profile cryptocurrency project.
Looking back over the year, I wouldn’t say we’ve had a smooth ride. The chain launch itself went well, but as the community is well aware, the launched version was far from a finished piece of software, with many unfinished parts, unresolved issues and plenty of work still to do in the way of usability. We (mostly I) made a mess that introduced too many version incompatibilities in the first couple of releases. We misplaced our founder. We scrambled to come up with an alternate project structure which we all acknowledge as an imperfect but also very incomplete work in progress. And all of this going on under the watchful eye of the larger community. It’s been challenging, and it can all definitely take its toll.
But in the face of all of this, I think Grin’s progress has been exemplary. I don’t think we could have asked for more or better progress than what’s contained within the upcoming v3.0.0 release, and while there’s obviously still a million more things to do, 3.0.0 is leaps and bounds beyond where we were a year ago in terms of stability and usability. Further, our focus on presenting the Grin code as a toolset for use by the developer community seems to be bearing some fruit, with many upstream wallet+chain projects available or underway.
So despite the number of challenges remaining, I think the future of Grin is looking extremely bright. It’s not necessarily my place to do so, but I’d like to heartily thank everyone who’s been involved in development for keeping cool at all times, continuing to be extremely proactive about all aspects of the project, and just generally being upstanding. This is genuinely the best team of people I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with, and hope to keep doing so for a while longer.
The community also remains the best and most supportive of any cryptocurrency out there, with many choosing to support us directly via donations. It’s no secret that our donation account has been looking very healthy recently, to the point where there’s no doubt whatsoever that the project will be able to continue as is for the foreseeable future and hopefully be able to expand in a sensible and judicious manner. Again, I’d like to thank the entire community for entrusting us with this, and also stress that we treat the running of Grin as a very serious responsibility.
But more important than the lump of code we’ve spewed into the world, this project, one year in, remains something to be proud of. I’d be very cynical about the motives of most crypto-currency projects out there, but Grin remains one of the few that is not selling you anything other than on the idea that it’s possible to build better and fairer money. It is an honest message, and you can choose to believe it or not. Nobody developing Grin will get rich if you do, nor will we stop working to create better money if you don’t.
And that is why I continue to believe in Grin and hope to continue to have to privilege to work on it for a while yet to come.
I wish you all the happiest and yeastiest of holiday seasons, and I look very forward to serving you all in 2020!