Win 100% dev fee return by join, Bminer and Hotbit! is holding a joint event with Bminer and Hotbit from July 18th 0:00-24th 0:00 (UTC Time). During the event, any users connect pool by Bminer can get 50% Dev Fee refund, and get another 50% refund by depositing earnings in Hotbit. Join us and get your 100% refund NOW!

Grin mining Event

Event time: July 18th 0:00 - 24th 0:00 (UTC Time)

Background: Grin activated its first hard-fork on 17th July. To encourage users to upgrade to the lastest miner, pool holds a joint event with Bminer and Hotbit team together.


  1. If you mine Grin with Bminer on pool during the event time, Bminer team will give back 50% dev fee in 7 working days after the event.

  2. if you mine Grin by Bminer on pool and you fill your Hotbit wallet as your withdraw payment address and last for 7days without withdrawing from it, Hotbit team will give extra 50% dev fee to your account.

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