Unusually low transfer speed from peers

Is there anybody else facing the same issue as me? Previously I was noticing speeds up to 6KiB per second (which is slow, but given that the total download size was less than 3 GiB, I mistakenly thought that leaving my portable computer turned on overnight would solve it), but now I don’t even see 100 bytes per second! There’s no way I’ll be able to use Grin like this! Does anybody has ideas to why this happens? I’ve attached a photo of the screen so you can see what is happening.

You should try increasing the value of peer_max_inbound_count in your grin-server.toml, and possibly adding some peers_preferred (possibly from grinnode.live or grinminer.net).

Thanks for the hint. I’ve applied the changes to the grin-server.toml file and restarted it, but it has been fourty minutes and there are still only eight peers (out of a possible maximum of 128) and painfully slow speeds (less than 100 bytes per second). I’m not using a VPN (wish I were) and the router provided by the ISP was made by Huawei (could be compromised). Do you think that could it be that IP addresses associated with the GRIN infrastructure are deliberately targeted to be isolated?

You have only 8 peers (outbound), because you are under the NAT or didn’t allow incoming connections, but that is not the reason of slow speed.

Some time ago I experimented with increasing max peers and didn’t notice any performance improvements.

It could be a great challenge for you to identify the issue by your own, maybe you could even find a bug in the node’s code and fix it :wink:

It could be a great challenge for you to identify the issue by your own

Certainly it would be a challenge, as I’d be puzzled to know where to even begin with. But there’s something that strengthens the hypothesis that IP addresses associated with Grin nodes are being isolated (the compromised router detects packets to them and from them and drops them). Although I’d rather use command-line tools, I’ve downloaded Grin++ and now it’s back to slowly downloading the headers. Is the Tor tunnel only available in Grin++?

UPDATE: I don’t know anybody that is going to make use of this information, but Grin++ is working great when it comes to downloading the chain data of Grin. Also, the “Tor” checkbox blinks often (I’m assuming that the connection is dropped and then a new one is made). Does this happens to other users of Grin++?

I believe the issue is that the network is currently in a bit of a split state regarding the relatively recently released Parallel Initial Block Download (PIBD) feature. Many grin-node instances are not at a recent enough version to support PIBD, and Grin++ didn’t implement it at all (yet?).

So if you’re running the rust node, your inbound peers might only be a minority PIBD supporting if that (your screenshot crops out the User Agents so it’s hard to tell). This works for you with Grin++, however, because it’s not attempting a PIBD (and although this is less efficient overall, it’s more effective in your situation).

This is a bit of an annoyance atm, especially for new users, but will become less of an issue over time as version upgrades get deployed across the network.

That’s the list of user agents paired with me. Grin++ did the job well, the progress does not stop and soon it will be complete.

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