Twitter Engagment

Weo Weo Weo. I Feel Grin Needs Some Community Communication Accounts Like Redit- Twitter. Why? A Country That Has A Messenger Like The President And The President Has An Account To Spread His Ideas So That Those Who Cares The President And The Country Can Know His Information And Think Quickly Best

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@Paouky multiple attempts to contact twitter through all of the available channels. noticed much more recently that even my personal account was banned, which never had any form of automation and seldom tweeted at all, leaving me even more fuming. I don’t know what to do. going to make a new post shortly requesting any help possible from someone who might know someone at twitter to give us a hand. It doesn’t make any sense, of all of the bs projects in the world, the grin project is the one to shutdown? unbelievable.


That is indeed infuriating :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. It would be great if we had an influencer on board with the Grin project. Nothing works as well as getting big-techs attention as negative press about freedom of speech, censorship and privacy scandals that reduce its numbers of users.

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This is crazy. Wow. I’m really not sure what to think — something about Grin makes the twitter algorithm go nuts.

It is both infuriating and a great compliment. If Grin gets singled out out of all the many projects that are out there, than someone or an algorithm at least realizes like us that Grin is indeed unique and on a whole different level than most projects :sweat_smile: :thinking:

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