Tour of Europe for Grin promotion

Hi everyone,
Long term supporter here and I will only talk about positive point and obfuscate the bad ones.
To start GRIN is a really good project and I think that many people are not aware of him, so to be short and clear I’m thinking about making a tour Europe and making 2-3 cities each travel to organise meet-ups and promote GRIN.

It will not high level dev promotion because I’m not hard core dev but presentation will be enough for 99% of people.
I could also preprint like paper wallet with 10 GRIN on it and propose to people buy it and they will have directly without hustle access to this crypto (they will just need to transfert to a new wallet using 2 devices).

I will finance it by myself

I think that I will also share here my presentation for review and correction

what are your thoughts ? Let’s bring to GRIN attention that he deserves :tada:



Good idea, I support you

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Nice idea.
For Berlin and Amsterdam, there will be larger Grin meetups in the coming year.
It is always good to bring Grin to others via crypto meetups.

It would be nice to implement scanning mnemonic-seed or privatekey in a simple json via the QR code to top-up your own or someone else’s wallet. Everyone would be able to generate top-up coupons or free grin coupons/air-drops.
For the implementation it would be like importing a key or mnemonic via a json/qr which is directly used to sign and send to the main wallet address, after which it is discarded.

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Great to see this initiative! If you want someone to check the correctness of your presentation or have any questions to expand your knowledge, don’t hesitate to drop a question on keybase and we’ll explain.

Good idea, I support you!

Let us know where you are to join you.
We as a community are all over the World and also in Europe.

reminds me of someone, but a long time ago …


some updates coming, I will probably start with North Italy in November or maximum December.
I plan to create a group on meetup and make 3 cities, Genoa Milana and Turino. There will be probably nobody for firsts times but a least it starts the movement.

Please, feel free to give me any advice if you have.
Of course like I said il will post before starting what I plan to present.

I’m also working on some NFT’s that I will offer for coming people and/or supporters


Here we are, I started a little bit late than was I expected but here it is. I already did Nice (France) and Krakow (Poland).
I will be in Paris the 12 May
Then there will be Warsow (Hey marek :sunglasses: )

Stay tuned for the next to come :partying_face: