So I setup a simple $5 VPS with 1 CPU just to get a feel for how mining works.
- compiled everything needed from the docs and installed grin
- updated grin.toml with settings; set mining to true; reduced logging; set to Testnet1
- started up a wallet server to receive GRIN rewards $ grin wallet -p"password" listen
- started up mining server to mine GRIN on Testnet1 $ grin server -m run
- check balance of wallet $ grin wallet -p"password" info
Obviously 1 CPU is nothing but after 24 hours running this is what i see from grin server…
“INFO Received block headers:” I assume this is good. Receiving block headers consistently.
“INFO sync head 123318612 @ 38400 [015ccc12]”
"Jan 24 18:29:01.460 INFO Added 511 headers to the header chain"
I assume this is also good. Sync’ing.
"Client connection lost: Timeout."
I see a stream of these form different IP addresses non stop. Is this normal? Why is this happening?
"INFO Client connection lost: Connection(Error { repr: Custom(Custom { kind: UnexpectedEof, error: StringError(“early eof”) }) })"
More errors being shown as INFO. Again whats the story here?
"Client connection lost: Connection(Error { repr: Os { code: 32, message: “Broken pipe” } })"
More errors being shown as INFO. Again whats the story here?
Running 1 CPU mining 24/7 how do I figure out how long it would take to mine a reward (even if its years)? Whats the process to determine this? To determine the GPS?