Telegram Ads boost community

I have a suggestion to try to advertise our community in Telegram Ads. In particular, tell us what Grin is and how to use the Grim wallet (it will be released soon). If you would like to participate, please offer your ideas.

Those adds are payed right? Paid marketing does not fit with the CC and the OC spending guidelines. However, individuals are free to market free or paid, whatever they prefer.
For Grim wallet, I think posting on the Telegram Grin, Grin CC channels, forum, Keybase, Discord and newsletter - should be sufficient to inform Grinners a new wallet is in town.


yes, this is an expensive way of advertising and provides for a budget.

It’s useless honestly.


The only marketing that works is building up your own reputation as an intelligent and trustworthy person and then sharing your honest thoughts on Grin (even toxic maximalists have nothing bad to say about Grin other than “it’s not bitcoin”). So, talk to people. Don’t be a shill. Engage meaningfully.

Also, Telegram is filled with scammers. Why bother advertising to those people.


I strongly agree with the above. Advertisement enables the greater fool approach that is currently co-opting the cryptocurrency experiment and reintegrating it into the traditional finance system. Associating with this approach can only hurt Grin.

Much preferable is to use online platforms to engage in meaningful discourse with communities adjacent to ours, such as those who promote privacy technologies. And, when doing so, it’s extremely important not to shill, but instead to describe how Grin solves major issues in other current solutions.


A good example is that a lot of bitcoiners are talking about how Lightning has better privacy than Monero (it doesn’t) because Monero records addresses on the blockchain.

Interesting point though. Well, how does Lightning compare to Grin in that case? No addresses, no ring signatures. Slatepacks are basically our version of Lightning invoices. Quite nice.

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