Secure Trade - Suitable exchange for listing Grin?

From a friend in the Verus community I got the advice to talk with the guys from about listing. Apparently they are kind of a small and idealistic, community run, 90% of funds held in cold storage, no KYC, they have their own coin but trades are centralized (which might make integration of Grin way easier then for a DEX).
For Verus they did not charge any listing fees, nor do they have liquidity requirements, they only received technical help and feedback from the community. So the experience with them from the Verus community are good.

I have little knowledge about exchanges and never even heard of Secure Trade. My question to all in the community is to share any knowledge of or experiences you have with

Beforehand I want to warn not to have any expectation, this is just an exploration of a possibility. Grin is interactive crypto and therefore might not be so easy to integrate and perhaps they are not eve interested… but maybe they are. There is a lot to love when it comes to Grin as project. Listing grin might help them in their reputation as early backer and being early in the game might give them a competitive advantage. So unless there are warning bells around this exchange, I think we can at least contact them to ask if they are interested.



I’ve used safetrade a time or two, and it’s definitely a step up from the usual small exchanges like xeggex, vitex, etc. I like that they have 2FA and lot’s of privacy coins.

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Are there any new findings here?

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@Cobragrin Have you contacted them? I have not. For me it is hard to have such interactions while staying anonymous

i didnt know this exchange, but sure we can contact as well. :ok_hand:


Have you contacted them?


Contacted but it seems a troubled exchange with withdrawals. No response either.


Thank you very much. I am excited to see if anyone else gets in touch.

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