Request for funding @Newjack777

Hello friends,

I am re-submitting my request for funding as acting grin ‘Groundskeeper’ as as the first request was ill timed due to council structure improvements.

Since my initial request I have had the opportunity to move out of my comfort zone of lurking and into more direct interaction with the community and council members through community forums, and community meetings.

I have had the opportunity to showcase my ability to get tasks done with quality work and provide value to the project, though limited, I hope that members can see that I am capable of delivering on the job requirements.

As ‘Groundskeeper’ I imagine working with Council(s) would be fluid and changing job and I accept to take on whatever task is necessary however mundane or repetitive it may be. I believe this as an essential service to any project to be able to delegate work/actions efficiently so to ensure that action items are properly documented, acted upon, and followed up.

A little more about me and my ability to contribute effectively to the project and deliver upon the value of the requested payment: I currently have no other time commitments or obligations to attend thus allowing me to focus entirely on the task delegated by the Council(s). I am technically capable of programming, opsec, cryptographic signing, with an ability to work through the curve of onboarding new toolsets. I have traditional higher level education of Mathematics and desire to learn and expand understanding of the cryptographic field, which may provide Council(s) opportunity to utilize me in a 'Research Assistant" capability.

This is a request for a 3 months period(September-November '21) Rate: $1,200/month . Working time: 14 hrs/week. Payment in grin preferred.