Hello Grin Community.
Term 2024- 2025
Rate monthly /€1750 as before. Total compensation for 5 months.
This is a funding request for a full year period (2024 to 2025 ). My previous progress reports is here
Specific contributions and tasks
- Agenda topics/ maintenance.
- Transcription, publishing meeting notes .
- Decision logs transcription/update
- TASK list (TO DO and FOLLOW UPS) tracking,note keeping.
- Funded requests progress tracking.
Financial PR
- Financial /spending Logs.
- Drafting and tracking payments .
- Quarterly/ yearly transparency reports accounting.
- GrinCC wallet report.
- Any task / request assigned by community, be available to respond to project-related activities and efforts specified by the CCGrin or community leaders.
- Support and Inform the community about Upgrades, News and Developments via social channels with Newsletters
- Contributing to Grincc/hub and other /docs repos.
So question may arise why 5 month payment but full year contributing?
I choosen to be flexible for the Grin project. I would like to create a margin example, my remaining compensation can be used for other useful purposes, maybe a python wallet, a mobile Grin wallet or a payment proccessor. GrinCC and community will evaluate this in best way i believe.
On the other hand, i wont decrease/ lessen my time for Grin. I will spend more time, planning more interesting community engagements. I am here to stay until we rock the financial world like bitcoin.