This is a funding request for a 3 month period (September - December ). My previous progress thread is here.
Rate is 1500 € per month. ( Grin ツ preferred.)
My main tasks includes:
Publishment of bi- weekly Grinnews letter and Grinpost Medium. This work needs,
- Monitoring closely technical advancements, network upgrades, relevant news, governance sessions, and community activity, exchange,miners and asic triangle, covering the entire GRIN Ecosystem, gathering resources for content.
- Creating, writing, and publishing those updates, developments and news to educate the public and pique interest in Grin, particularly among newcomers. Adoption requires communication of information, particularly for cryptocurrencies. Without interest, adoption becomes slow.
A easy way for assessing whether a project is still alive, actively developing, and showing promise for the future is a regular newsletter and articles. These are the first things individuals search for when they have questions or doubts. The Grin is Dead slogan can be answered by making noise and spreading the GRIN word…
Administrative Tasks Prioritized (Maintaining, reviewing and contribute to PRs github)
Agenda ( maintaining track of current issues, requests, and suggestions before meetings, as well as the times and dates of meetings.)
Meeting notes transcriptions (Summary of discussions, ideas and action points to follow from biweekly community meeting notes)
Decision logs (transcription of meeting decisions, including those related to GRIN’s technical and governing advancements)
SPENDING/ FİNANCE Contributing to grincc/finance repository dedicated for financial transparency of the Grin Community Fund, financial spending logs and records in order to maintain transparency report of spendings.
DOCS; contributing to Grin documents, GrinHub connected to repositories. Update it, add new information and links about GRIN ecosystem (Miners, Mining Pools, Exchanges, Asic Vendors)
Create documents and informative posts that are helpful for onboarding new users in order to expand the Grin ecosystem.
Any task or duties assigned by* GRINCC or Core members, Grin community , such as editing, documenting, search ,contact and maintaining responsibilities regarding GRIN.
I am open to all suggestions and ideas, anything that may encourage the widespread use of GRIN.
With the help of GrinCC and other community members, who have always supported me to accomplish this i sincerely thank to them, I wish to continue to perform this important duty. Thank you ツ