I have a Tor connection problem (Russia). Respectively Grin++ does not work for receiving coins at the address.
Even the obfs4 method doesn’t work. To check, I launched the Tor browser. It doesn’t work with default settings. There is also no success when getting obfs4, tried to get new ones repeatedly. Apparently, they are being quickly blocked. Only meek and snowflake methods work.
Back to Grin++. There is only obfs4 method instruction for Grin++
But I need Meek method. Or snowflake.
Downloading meek-client:
I place the exe file in %userprofile%/.GrinPP/MAINNET/TOR. In the same place I make torrc file (file name, no extension).
What to write in torrc file? Let’s write so:
ClientTransportPlugin meek exec meek-client
UseBridges 1
Bridge meek url=https://az668014.vo.msecnd.net/front=officeimg.vo.msecnd.net
But it doesn’t work that way. Tried different addresses.
How to make the meek method work correctly in Grin++?