Monkyyys otc thread

There are people claiming to want large amounts of GRIN but is that even possible?

I found this about using invoices and wondered if could be a way that could work for OTC request?
If someone wants a large amount over 50 Grin I’m not sure it works currently as an invoice.

Could an invoice for 1000 grin be made and closed by sending several amounts such as 50 at at time, or does the invoice only get closed by the exact amount coming over the listener?

Using invoice

The invoice command reverses the default transaction flow. This allows you as a recipient to specify an amount you expect to be paid and send this over to a particular sender. Once the sender has returned the slate to you, you can then finalize the transaction and broadcast it to the network. This is very useful for merchant related flows. For a related discussion see this forum post.

Issuing invoices

The command works very similar to send. The following command raises a request to be paid 10 grins from @faucet:

wallet713> $ invoice 10 --to @faucet

Paying invoices

Paying inbound payment requests are turned off by default.

Currently, only blindly auto-accepting any inbound invoice from any user is supported. To enable this for an invoice amount that is 50 grin or less, you add the following line to your wallet713.toml configuration file:

max_auto_accept_invoice = 50000000000

More powerful payment flows will be supported in upcoming versions of wallet713.