Mining with Sapphire 16 gb -cant establish server connection

First time here trying to use linux and mine with GPU. Since almost a month now I have been trying to make my grin mining setup run but no success. Was able to solve one issue at a time by looking on web etc but now stuck in this:

Connection status: cant establish server connection to
mining status: waiting for server
This is when I run epic boost miner for C31 algo.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.1; GPU: Sapphire 570 16 gb; Driver Amd: Amd gpu pro(installed as ./amdgpu-install --opencl=legacy)

The server connection error comes up even trying to connect to other pools.

PS: I wanted to set this up for solo mining-so did setup Grin node, wallet and tried epic boost but no luck! so now I want to make this run this atleast in a pool).

Can someone help me in understanding what I may be doing wrong? and I can share any logs/config info if needed. I was wondering if there is a guide for people like me complete beginners:) Any help would be much appreciated.

If you look on the ePIC Boost site there is a guide there for the setup of the software including how to setup the pool. For specific help you can also leave comments on the site and the team is fairly quick to respond.

Thanks for the reply. I followed exact instructions on epicboost from here:

is there a different site I can refer to?


You probably will want to post an issue on the ePIC’s github page. Based on your screenshot it will be hard to tell but don’t think your server address looks correct. Looks like ePICs miner is based on the grin-miner so wouldn’t expect the http:// to be there in the server address.

Can you post the server info in your toml file (with your username info xxxx’d out), maybe someone can provide some guidance.

I have contacted ePic support but no luck with this issue. I have tried using without http:// in the server address as well. Please see my toml file data below. Thanks.

Sample Server Configuration File for epic-boost-miner

epic-boost-miner will look for this file in these places: in the following


-The working directory

-The directory in which the executable resides





Whether to log to stdout

log_to_stdout = true

Log level for stdout: Critical, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace

stdout_log_level = “Info”

Whether to log to a file

log_to_file = true

Log level for file: Critical, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, Trace

file_log_level = “Info”

Log file path

log_file_path = “epic-boost-miner.log”

Whether to append to the log file (true), or replace it on every run (false)

log_file_append = true





whether to run the tui

run_tui = true

stratum_server_addr = “
stratum_server_login = “xxxx”
stratum_server_password = “”
stratum_server_tls_enabled = true

#The directory in which mining plugins are installed
#if not specified, ePIC Boost Miner will look in the directory /deps relative
#to the executable

#miner_plugin_dir = “target/debug/plugins”




Multiple plugins can be specified, (e.g. a cpu

miner and a gpu miner running in parallel)

Use a single plugin instance per device, as

demonstrated below.

Multiple instances of the same plugin can be loaded

and used with different devices. On CPU plugins

you’ll likely only be using a single instance

but in OPENCL plugins the device number can be set

corresponding to the device ID. (use clinfo to find this)

#plugin_name = “cuckaroo_mean_opencl_amdgpu_29”
#plugin_name = “cuckaroo_mean_opencl_rocm_29”
#device = 0




#mean hip (unlikely to work on consumer cards, need 14GB+)

plugin_name = “cuckatoo_mean_opencl_amdgpu_31”
#plugin_name = “cuckatoo_mean_opencl_rocm_31”
device = 0

Looking at your config…don’t think thats right.

Never used 2miners, but from their website: You config would probably be something like this:

stratum_server_addr = “
stratum_server_login = “YOUR_LOGIN/rigid”
stratum_server_password = “x”
stratum_server_tls_enabled = false

You can use GrinMint as an example:

Thanks for looking into this. The only places here I did otherwise is password not set and stratum server set to TRUE, will change to x and FALSE respectively and run again tonight. Will update how did this go.