How to run a public Grin++ node

Running the Node.


The first that we need is to get the latest version of Grin++ by download it directly from the github release page. Right now, the latest version is v1.2.6.beta1:

After getting the link of the .AppImage file we can proceed to download the file using wget:

$ wget ""

Give execution permissions now:

$ chmod a+x GrinPlusPlus-1.2.6-beta.1.AppImage

Extract the content of the file like this:

$ ./GrinPlusPlus-1.2.6-beta.1.AppImage --appimage-extract

This will extract the content to a folder with the name: squashfs-root. Now we need to copy the node binary to wherever we want, I’m using /usr/local/sbin/ since this folder is part of my PATH environment variable:

$ mv squashfs-root/resources/app.asar.unpacked/bin/GrinNode /usr/local/sbin/

Now, using nohup we will run the node to make sure we can logout without killing the process:

$ nohup GrinNode > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Now, we can check whether GrinNode is running by executing the top command:



On Windows, you just need to run Grin++ :slight_smile: or run just the backend by executing the GrinNode.exe file located here: %LocalAppData%\Programs\GrinPlusPlus\resources\app.asar.unpacked\bin.

Port Forwarding.

Now, we just need to forward port 3414 to our machine, and permit all traffic port 3414. On Linux, you may need to add a rule to iptables.


If GrinNode is not working/appearing after top command, move GrinNode from /usr/local/sbin to /usr/sbin

if you’re a regular user, with only opening the grin++ ui and redirecting the 3414 would be fine :slight_smile: