After we covered GrinGold mining guide we thought of also doing another guide with Bminer after trying it ourselves.
Here is a step by step guide to walkthrough towards getting it setup!
After we covered GrinGold mining guide we thought of also doing another guide with Bminer after trying it ourselves.
Here is a step by step guide to walkthrough towards getting it setup!
Hey Coingecko!
Please, could you provide a step by step guide on Ubuntu… for Bminer ofc.
What pool are you guys mining on with your setup?
MWgrinpool , you are welcome.
@debilnypes Were you able to eventually set it up?
@ohwhy we have tested Grinmint, F2pool, Sparkpool,
Yep, I can run it on Ubuntu, however I am still running Bminer on Win10.
You can add to that list. We are currently using that pool with Bminer for all of our rigs for most profit