How To Increase Grin Adoption

Without mobile wallet, will not be adoption, simple.
Even 1 year after launch, mobile wallet in not in gouvernance agenda, grin is used only in shade trades.
Ironbelly exist, is simple and beautiful, but dont have suport by grin guvernance, is made only by a programmer who dont visit grin forum from 08.2019, maybe becouse dont find support here, and sincerly i dont think this wallet in this conditions, have future.
I , simple, dont understand this attitude
Sorry for misspeling, english is not my native language


However you also have to respect when the core team is busy with scientific progress, math and cryptography. “Widespread adoption” is probably not their most important topic right now.


We first need a stable base layer. Grin has a few areas that need to be researched before you want to build stuff on it including mobile wallets or second layer solutions. It is possible to build a mobile wallet (hats off to everyone doing it), but in this case, the maintainers should expect that the core will change and they will need to update it quite a few times in order not to go ‘out of sync’. I suggest we first focus on making the base layer very strong. The core team and others are doing great progress on this, but we lack on the research side a bit for now. Hopefully, some of the funding will go to the research side and community members that have a background in cryptography could also take a look at some of the research paths that have been suggested for example the one mentioned here BLS pink research
Grin is doing a great job at staying simple. The future is bright as long as we keep improving it without introducing too much complexity.


This is absolutely true. There is a lot to do to enlarge the adoption of Grin. May be the right move can be done a business company who will create a simple use mobile/desktop wallet, as what happened with bitcoin and wallet.

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