1. Introduction
What is Grin? What is it trying to achieve, and why is it even important? Why should anyone care? In order to better guide our work, are we able to come together as a community and agree on a set of common denominators that sets our direction and what defines us?
Ideally, we’d end up with something like the following:
- Our mission: a one sentence statement packed with power about what it is we’re doing.
- Our vision: a couple of paragraphs about why this matters, an ideal and aspirational end state we are trying to realise through our mission.
In the future, this could then help us determine:
- Our strategy: How do we best go about achieving our mission?
- Our values: A set of principles we as a community stand behind that guide our work and how we interact with each other.
Some of these topics have been discussed in a previous thread, and are also being raised as part of the ongoing website redesign. (Ping @Unit)
@igno.peverell and I have sparred a couple of times about this and while we have a couple of baseline ideas (below), they feel far from mature and could do with further scrutiny by all of you in the community.
Let’s try to brainstorm something together that we all feel we can stand behind!
2. Mission draft
One version that has been raised:
To create open electronic cash for all, without censorship or restrictions.
‘Cash’ implies fungibility, which implies Grin’s privacy preserving properties. It also suggests ‘simplicity’ because cash is minimal, simple, and easy to use. And it doesn’t include a lot of bells and whistles, because that would reduce the cash-like properties in the first place. It also goes well in line with our emission schedule.
‘Open’ and ‘for all’ points to being inclusive, and also not authoritative. We’re open, it’s not controlled.
The last part “without censorship or restrictions” feels a bit… weak. Ideally we’d have something more powerful.
Possible nice to haves:
- Can we hint better at privacy is it important?
- Can we touch upon that we’re minimal and simple?
- Is it a better way to articulate that we’re actively trying to prohibit censorship and authoritarian control of the system?
- Anarchic by design?
3. Vision draft
This is less of a draft, and more me just rambling a bit about what I think to some degree could explain why we exist today. So would be good to get some help here firming some of this up, reducing content, making it more impactful, and relevant.
- Physical cash is disappearing. The physical and digital worlds are merging, with the digital taking up an ever increasing amount of humanity’s time and attention. With the ascent of the digital world, transacting in physical cash has naturally given way to electronic means of transacting. Along the way, these electronic means have introduced surveillance, tracking, and gatekeeping abilities that are not present in physical cash. These reduce the authority that we as individuals have over our money and how we choose to spend it, and they undermine our privacy.
- Cash is important. It is certainty. It offers privacy. It’s inclusive, it does not pass judgement on its user, or on how it is being spent. It safeguards freedom and democratic values. We live in an era of ever increasing surveillance, data collecting, and targeting. We believe a payment form with true cash-like abilities is needed in the digital world, as it is needed in the physical.
- Crypto has the potential to deliver electronic cash but has not done that yet. There is still no true peer-to-peer-based electronic cash system. Previous efforts allow for surveillance and tracking, offer little privacy, have unnecessary complexity, work with unclear objectives, or are driven by questionable motives.
As the digital merges with the physical, we believe in a world where there are no barriers to transacting with one another. Where anyone can participate in the economy regardless of their personal background or ethnicity, regardless of their religious or political views. Where mass surveillance and tracking by governments and corporations alike is never enabled by our means of payment. Where the right to privacy remains a fundamental human right.
Yes, this feels a bit bombastic and fluffy. But this is kinda what’s expected of visions. “End hunger.” “World peace”. That kind of thing. So we need to look far into the future and kinda think about the world we are trying to create. What’s the end state?
4. Further Resources
URL | Comment |
Ted talk: Simon Sinek - Start with why | Good video to communicate the importance of why the vision needs to be closely tied to the mission, and why you should start with the vision, i.e. why you exist, and not what you’re trying achieve. |
Coinbase mission | Example of a mission statement tied to a vision that’s defined as a set of “What ifs”. Accompanied by a blog post announcing it. |
Ubuntu mission | Another example, this time from open source. |
Got more resources and examples? comment and I’ll update! |