Grin wallet owner api - confirm txs

I’m trying to use the grin wallet owner api in an app i’m developing.

When I send grin I first make a call to /v1/wallet/owner/issue_send_tx
Then I repost the tx-id with v1/wallet/owner/repost?tx_id=

The issue im running into is the tx does not become confirmed until I manually go to my grin wallet and run grin wallet txs. As soon as I run that command the tx gets confirmed. Should I switch to using

On the owner api the logs show that the tx is created succesfully:

20190401 21:02:46.276 DEBUG grin_wallet::libwallet::internal::selection - Building change outputs: total change: 26434382076 (2 outputs)
20190401 21:02:46.305 DEBUG grin_core::libtx::build - Building output: 13217191038, Commitment(xxx)
20190401 21:02:46.362 DEBUG grin_core::libtx::build - Building output: 13217191038, Commitment(xxx)
20190401 21:02:46.455 INFO grin_wallet::controller - Tx created: 4.002346725 grin to http://x.x.x.x:3415 (strategy 'false')
20190401 21:02:46.455 DEBUG grin_wallet::adapters::http - Posting transaction slate to http://x.x.x.x:3415/v1/wallet/foreign/receive_tx

cc @Yeastplume

You may be better off asking at the dev chat or the grin-wallet issue tracker.

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