Grin Exchange with Ample Liquidity?

Hi guys, can anyone recommend an exchange from their actual personal experience (rather than from publicly available “statistics”) where liquidity is good and spread is small for buying/selling Grin?

I use Trade Ogre now but liquidity is LAUGHABLE.

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Only and TO works unfortunately.

Is any better than TO?

@serge has about 10x higher daily trading volume compared to TO. Personally I prefer TO since they support slatepack deposit and withdrawel.

1 Like requires KYC and doesn’t service Canada … I can’t use it apparently :confused:

What do you mean by this btw? Like it doesn’t let you buy or sell more than $100 worth at a time?

The exchange doesn’t limit what I can buy or sell but the amount of liquidity is terrible - measured in hundreds of GRIN at each price level. Basically you are lucky if you can grab or get a few thousand GRINs at the current market price.

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It sounds like Grin miners are just hoarding them, in that case. I wonder why… They don’t want to sell too much to exchanges because it pushes the price down?

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Grin’s market cap is almost at parity with Grin’s donation funded treasury. Would you say this the opportune time to sell, or buy?

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I would say “it’s a funny fact” :slight_smile:

It is sad that useless HYIP projects with a capitalization of hundreds of millions of dollars, and reasonable projects cost several million

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